chapter 76

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Raven:hello petal, I'm here to collect on that favor....


Ruby:raven, gotta say I'm surprised, it's only been 3 weeks and your already cashing in the favor?

Raven:a lot can happen in 3 weeks you know this better then anybody, one day your running free. The next your captured and sold like property

*Raven said walking pass yang, not even giving her the time of day. Pyrrha quickly walked next to ruby, both ruby and Raven glanced at her, but then back at each other. They had more important things to discuss, then Pyrrha trying to protect ruby*

Ruby:so, what's it gonna be this time?

Raven: I need you to kill somebody

*That sentence, hit yang like that stone, but she was still frozen shocked that her mother was right there in front of her*

Raven:but don't worry, I know that bleeding heart of yours too well, you'll also be saving a group of slave. The location is a lab at the heart of Panem, kill the target, and I'll take those saved slaves to the safe place.

Ruby:let's get this over with, open up the portal

*Ruby said with a sigh, getting up, Pyrrha instantly force ruby to sit back down, she gave raven a stern look*

Pyrrha: yeah, I'm gonna say absolutely fucking not. Ruby is still very much injured, you can ask for the favor, after she's all better. And maybe not even then

Raven:uhu, didn't ask you. Petal over there owes me a favor, and I know she's not gonna say no, isn't that right Hun?

*Raven said walking closer to them, she stopped when Pyrrha raised her weapon at raven's throat, raven didn't even look mad, she looked down at Pyrrha as if she was a yapping puppy*

Ruby: I'll do it, when do you want it done?


*Pyrrha yelled angrily, ruby sighed and got up, she winced a bit in pain, from simply standing too fast. Which just made Pyrrha's conviction of making ruby stay even stronger*

Ruby:you need to understand angel, I need her, and she knows that. If I don't play along, she won't send the slaves to the safe location.

Pyrrha:ruby, you can barely stand, you need to rest

*Pyrrha said adamant, she looked at yang for some support, yang shook her head and looked nervously at the 3 of them*

Yang:....what if we all go together? We go with ruby, to help her, with whatever it is need her to do, and we'll make sure she's ok

Raven:well, there's an idea. But I'm not sure either of you really understand what I'm asking ruby to do

*Raven said walking inside a portal, both of them looked at ruby for an answer, ruby sighed and counted down with her fingers, at her aunt's presentation*


*Another portal opened and raven came back out with 3 tied up adults, raven kicked them to the ground, making yang, and Pyrrha take a step away from them. Raven crossed her arms expectantly*

Raven: kill them


*Yang screamed, not expecting such a thing, she just thought it was gonna be a rescue mission or something, Pyrrha just glanced at ruby, who looked at the captured men with cold eyes of disgust, even if she didn't know what they did, the fact that they were male, was enough to get such a response from the snake faunus*

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