chapter 55

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At the backroom of the gala

*Ruby and Neo jumped down from the top of the skylights, neo used her umbrella to land gracefully, while ruby took of one of her gloves and slides down a wall clawing the wall with her reptilian hand to slow her down. When both were on the ground ruby trembled and quickly placed her glove back on, she started muttering in a soft tone*

Ruby:of course this place has A/C even though it's freezing outside, what rotten luck

Neo'maybe after this mission I can warm you right up'

*Neo hand signed, ruby playfully rolled her eyes with a smirk, both started running making make precious little noise neo grabbed ruby and both hugged the wall, hiding in the shadows. ruby tasted the air and frowned since she remembers this taste quite well. Both former slaves saw ironwood and winter walking pass them*

 Both former slaves saw ironwood and winter walking pass them*

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Neo'bad blood between you two?'

Ruby'you can say that, if he's here his lapdog winter won't be far behind. Keep an eye out'

*Ruby signed seeing ironwood walk inside a room, ruby would want nothing more then walk in that room and shot that man. But she had a mission to complete, so with a sigh she and neo continued there run to where they keep the slaves*

Neo'you know after this we should go somewhere, I know this lovely little ice cream shop's

Ruby'sure, just make sure there's not any Roman ice cream'.

*Neo stopped and looked at her surprised, ruby looked at her confused*

Ruby:why did you stop? Were almost there?

Neo'did you just say Roman ice cream?'

Ruby:oh, my bad. I meant rum ice cream. I'm on medication that doesn't allow alcohol

Neo'ah, gotcha'

*Neo said as they both continued there run, neo was skeptical of the answer ruby said and ruby smirked without neo seeing it, since she said Roman on purpose*

Ruby"so my hunch was correct, this is the same girl I saw with Roman torchwick a few years ago. Is she still a slave? If I freed could, would she come to my side? Things I'll have to think of on another time "

*Ruby thoughts, both stopped and looked ahead, there was 2 armed guards protecting an entrance. Ruby signaled up and neo nodded, both of them climbed up to the support beams and swung from beam to beam, till they were on top of them. They dropped down neo impaled her guard's head with the sharp end of her umbrella that was like a large needle, and ruby snapped her guards neck before he could scream*

neo'you want to pick the lock or to hide the bodies?'

Ruby'leave the bodies here, we won't be around long enough to make a difference. Pick the lock and let's hurry, we don't know when the next patch of guards shows up'

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