chapter 34

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Velvet:i got you, thank you so much for the help I....

*The door was opened with a slam everyone looked and it was a very angry glynda goodwhich*

Glynda:what is goin on here, miss rose what are you doing outside your bed?!!

Ruby:doing your job for....for.....

*Ruby's eyelids started getting heavy, the loss of blood and alcohol in her system finally getting to her as she passed out*


*We see yang running faster then she has ran in a long time, she was so concentrated that she didn't notice she pushed people out of the way, or that he pushed a boy holding a final 3-d sculpture project destroying it. All she had in mind was one thing that was fueling her like nothing else*

Jaune"ruby got in a fight and she's back in the nurse office"

*With those words in her mind, Yang slammed the door to the nurse office a mix of worry and anger behind her eyes, she saw ruby back on her bed with more machines hooked up on her then last time, she saw the doctor talking to Glynda*

Yang:what happened?! Ruby was fine a moment ago?!

Joshua:fine is a relative turn. She shouldn't have gotten out of bed so fast, much less drink such a large amount of alcohol in such a short time, or any at all with the medications I've put her in. Mix that with the fight she had where she overused what little power she had recovered it was all too much for her body to handle so it shut down

Yang:but she'll be on right?!

*Yang said walking as fast as she could to Ruby's hospital bed, the doctor even had her chained up to make sure she doesn't run away again*

Joshua:after we pumped her stomach yeah, she'll be ok. We just need to find a blood donor, she was already running on just 7 pints of blood, now she's on 5 which is very dangerous

Yang:I'm her sister take my blood, and give it to her!

*Joshua looked at glynda for confirmation on yang's claims, Glynda nodded, Joshua sighed as that meant more paperwork and looked at the blond girl*

Joshua: fine, before you get your hopes up let's see if your even the same blood type. Give me a few minutes to get everything ready

Yang:great, gives me time to talk to them...

*Yang growled as she turned around and saw the other people that were also in the room, team CRDL. Cardin being the only one awake glared right back*

Cardin:hey she attacked us!

Glynda: I saw the security footage and not only did you and your group were harassing Velvet Scarlatina, already a ground for expulsion but you threw a metal tray to miss Rose Head. So you really did attacked first

*Cardin waved his hand dismissively, it made yang furious, but Glynda's hand on her shoulder kept yang in place*

Cardin: actually all me and my team is gonna get is a slap on the wrist, seeing as our families combine donate over 51% to beacon. Just imagine what'll happen to this school is those donations suddenly run out

*Cardin said with a smirk, Glynda scowled but kept her frustrations in control being a professional, corruption ran everywhere beacon was no exception. But seeing it happened to ruby who's technically under her protection made it all the more frustrating. Thankfully before yang could attack the smug boy Joshua came back*

Joshua:alright yang, I've got your file and you are a match for your sister, sit down on the spare bed and we can begin

*The fact that she can finally help her sister in something made yang calm down and do what the doctor told her. Glynda glanced at the other team in the room and frowned in thought*

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