chapter 6

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*we see ruby trembling with a gun in her hand pointing at rattlesnake Jake. Jake just looked at her with a slightly angry glare*

Jake:you ain't got the nerve....

*Jake said harshly, sadly for ruby he was right, she started to tremble like a leaf, Jake took this and quickly disarmed ruby after that he kicked the little girl in the gut hard sending her flying to the wall crying hugging her stomach. Jake didn't care he placed the gun in his holster and started to walk away*

Jake:this place better be clean when I get back

Real world

*Ruby woke up flinching instinctively holding her stomach, she looked around and remembered where she was. Ruby clicked her tongue and laid back down*

Ruby:damn it the attack from that Nora girl must've brought back that awful memory....

*Ruby said holding herself not noticing she herself was trembling a little. The door opened and ruby glanced at it, it was just Pyrrha*

Ruby:well if it isn't my new leader how can I be of service?

*Ruby said in a dry tone. Pyrrha just looked surprised that ruby was awake*

Ruby:you look like you've seen a ghost

Pyrrha:no no, sorry it's just you've been asleep for 5 days straight

Ruby:giving that you said that Nora girl broke 18 ribs I'm not surprised, that would explain why I'm so hungry

Pyrrha: there's a cafeteria in the upper floor I can take you if you want

Ruby:upper floor? What in Sam Hill are you talking about? The Mojave's hospital is a rundown shack there ain't no second floor

*Pyrrha walked to the window and opened the curtains, ruby's eyes widen a little her dessert home was not on the other side but a modern city*

Pyrrha:while you were sleeping ozpin thought It best to bring you to vale since the medical nohow is better over here and don't worry we've taken everything from um....that shack you lived in it's all in our dorm room already

Ruby:and what about miracle? I swear if so much as a screw is missing they're will be more then hell to pay

Pyrrha: don't worry he's...

Ruby; she's miracle is a girl I would never build a man

*Ruby said spitting on the ground in disgust as Jake destroyed her views of the opposite sex. Pyrrha didn't know how to react so she just gave an awkward smile*

Pyrrha:right, sorry she's in beacon's workshop under a blanket no one is allowed to touch it even though professor oobleck wants do he is fascinated with how you managed to build such a thing in the dessert

Ruby:that's no one's business but my own

*Ruby said grunting as she sat on the bed and got up, Pyrrha quickly was on her side and helped this time with a firm look on her face*

Pyrrha:before you start with that vacuo self-reliant pride, please allow me to help you since you are weak and now your a member of my team

*Ruby scoffed and shook Pyrrha's hand away*

Ruby: I'm more then fine enough to walk by myself my chest is injured not my legs

*This time Pyrrha wasn't taking no for an answer so she picked her up like a princess. The move made ruby give an angry blush looking at her "leader"*

Ruby:it would seem you have a death wish

Pyrrha:I believe that's you not me. Since it wasn't just your ribs, your spine was also injured in that attack and your legs were fractured, did you think crashing through
Over 7 walls would only affect your ribs? You had to have surgery along side with your semblance to keep you alive

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