chapter 12

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Qrow:kinda in the middle of something tai

Tai:you fucking asshole my daughter's alive and you didn't tell me?!

Qrow:the hell you talking about of course yang's alive we just saw her off to beacon like I want to say 6 months ago

Tai:I'm talking about ruby!!!

Qrow:.....what the fuck are you talking about?


*Ruby had her eyes closed, she wasn't in her body right no. She was in her happy place she was in a quiet meadow where no one could get her, harm her. Jake seeing this frowned and slapped her hard enough to take her back to the real world. Her trembling bloody, sweaty body underneath Jake's body as he used her. Jake grabbed her face she winced tears started to fall from her face from the slap, from the fact that Jake's claws pierced her skin, from everything it was all too much for the young girl's brain to process*

Jake:no, no you stay awake and you like it. Where's the fun if i can hear you moaning?

*Jake said as he got close to ruby's lips his snake like tongue coming out of his dried lips*

Real world

*ruby woke up first again before the sun was even out. She sat on her bed and cleaned the fresh tears that fell while she slept, she opened her nightstand and took out a bottle of cactus juice, she took a swing letting the burning sensation stay on her mouth for a moment enjoying the pain before she let the burning fall down to her stomach. Ruby got up and shook Pyrrha awake*

Pyrrha:MH...ruby...? It's not even the crack of dawn is everything ok?

*Pyrrha said in a clearly still tired voice. Ruby didn't care as she turned around and started changing to some clothes Nora let her borrow*

Ruby:I want to go for a run let's go

Pyrrha:ok ok...give....give me a second

*Pyrrha said yawning as she got up and stretched until she heard a snap, ruby glanced at her*

Ruby:stupid city girl she even wakes up pretty....

*Ruby muttered bitterly as she looked down at her jagged and scared skin*

Jake:your no good anymore only damages goods.....

*Ruby heard Jake's venomous words in her ears she took another swing of her cactus juice and Shook her head placing those increasingly fuzzy memories be placed back at the back of her heard. Once finished changing with Pyrrha finishing around the same time*

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