chapter 1

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*The sun was at its highest point. People were busy with there work, doctors and nursing were tending to there patients, the morticians were building net coffins and team JWBY? We see Weiss making buckets of just to keep her and the room cold. She was not in a good mood, not at all, the heat and humidity was ruining her hair*

Weiss:god i hate vacuo!

*Weiss screamed in frustration as she had her hair I'm a tight ponytail trying desperately to keep it from getting worse*

Blake:it's not that bad

*Blake said purring laying in the perfect spot where the sun touched her body they heard a cough and looked at there fearless leader*

Jaune:speak for yourself in dying over here!

*Jaune said still under yang dying of sweat but as always the grand leader was ignored*

Weiss:when is Pyrrha gonna get here? I swear I'm this close of leaving and just finding that outlaw myself

Jaune:you do that and I'll kill you, your ice is the only thing stopping me from having heatstroke

*The gods from above decided to throw jaune a bone as yang finally moved again only this time without holding him, jaune got out of there as fast as he could running out of the room*


Blake:think we should stop him?

*Weiss scoffed and went back to the old magazine that was left in the room to reread it for the 5th time*

Weiss:I'm not leaving this room all the sand and heat will kill my hair i can already see it going back to curly

Blake:.  .  .did you just admit that your not a natural straight hair?

Weiss:.......tell anyone and I'll skin you alive

*Blake just rolled to the other side so Weiss wouldn't see her trying to hold her laughter. Weiss scoffed and looked at yang even if she was a brute with no manners she was still her teammate and friend so yes she was worried about her, her skin was becoming more pale as she kept sweating at a alarming rate, Weiss made more ice and kept it close to yang's bed*

Weiss:let's hope Pyrrha gets here soon she's not looking too good

Blake:tell me about why do you think she's dream about rubies?

Weiss:i haven't the slightest idea maybe she's dreaming of striking it rich or something


*Weiss sighed changing the wet rag with a new one for the powerhouse of her teammates*

Weiss:and where the hell are the nurses why am I stuck doing this?!

With team Amazon

*we see them sitting at the back of a truck driving to team's JWBY's location. Nora groaned bored out of her mind*

Nora:when are we gonna get there we've been on this truck for hours!!

Pyrrha: Nora calm down we're almost there

Nora:you told me that 3 hours ago!! Why do we have to go so far?!

Ren:because the rose of vacuo last known location is a city in the middle of nowhere, and we have to help team JWBY

Nora:no we don't, we HAD the choice to say no but since our oh so great captain has a crush on jaune Arc we had to go!

Pyrrha;that had nothing to do with my decision!!

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