chapter 27

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Days later


*ruby survived another day in classes, they all heard the ring of the bell and started piling out. Ruby got up from her seat and stretched until she heard the pop of her stiff elbows and knees*

Ruby:god all this classes are killing my sleep schedule

Pyrrha:maybe if you didn't sleep throught them every day

*Pyrrha said next to her as there team walked out at the same time. Ruby shrugged and kept her gaze forward*

Ruby:not my fault they're just teaching us useless crap

Pyrrha:then what for you is worth knowing?

*Ruby in a flash grabbed her gun and twirled it around even throwing it to the air and grabbing it*

Ruby;how to use a gun, thats all anyone needs to know

Ren:what about surviving out there? You know give a man a fish you feed him for a day teach a man to fish

Ruby:why would I teach somebody to fish? He's a grown man he can fish for himself, it's not even that hard

*ruby said as she waved his hand dismissively*

Ren:hm. Are you sure it's not the fact that you don't actually understand the subject so you lash out?

*Ruby stopped walking for a moment and gave Ren a nasty glare*

Ruby:want to repeat that? I think I must have misheard you

Ren: I think you heard me quite well. You were slave to as you call him "that sick fuck" since you were 4. Now that your getting an education that's so advance of what you ever had before you simply don't understand it. All the evidence leads to one conclusion. You miss rose can't even read or write can you?

*Ruby flinched looking absolutely shocked she wasn't the only one. Nora.... well Nora was being Nora and just smiling, pyrrha look at Ren angry*

Pyrrha:Ren what has gotten into you today?! That's was extremely rude, not even Nora...

*They all felt the gust of wind that comes from Ruby's semblance, they looked and she was gone. Pyrrha scowled at Ren who just shrugged*

Ren:it was necessary.

Pyrrha:oh please tell me how it was necessary?

*Ren kept walking as he talked with the other two following her*

Ren:her grades are the worse in the school, she never writes anything down or reads so she has never done one single assignment, In all the time she's been here. if she's ever to get better she needs to start working on herself and stop using toxic ideologies to live her life

Pyrrha:ok, but you didn't have to be so harsh with her, you could've talked to her in a more loving and concerned tone

*Ren looked at her with a raised eyebrow*

Ren:you think she would've listened? You talk to her like that all the time and all she does is dismiss you. She's from vacuo, from what I've seen she only response to harsh truth

Nora:that's not true~

*Ren and Pyrrha looked at Nora was skipping along next to them who finally joined in on the conversation*

Ren;what do you mean?

Nora:Pyrrha remember how you picked clothes for ruby to wear?

*Pyrrha put her finger on her chin in thought as she remembered that day. They didn't noticed how Nora place a Sherlock looking hat on her head*

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