chapter 9 + new story

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*we see ruby in her little corner, she was hugging her stomach starving, she looked at Jake who was sleeping then she looked at the table where they're was his leftovers. Ruby licked her dried lips and got up, as quietly as she could she made it to the table and grabbed a piece of stale bread she took a small piece of it and ate it putting the rest back in the same place, ruby screamed in pain as a knife was jammed in to her hand, Jake got up and grabbed ruby by her hair. Jake slapped ruby to shut her up, ruby stayed quiet sniffling holding her pain*

Jake:after making me lose that contract you think I'm gonna feed you? Oh you have a lot of nerved little thing

*Jack's other hand was getting closer and closer to ruby's face until it all went to black*

Real world

*Ruby woke up flinching, her eyes moving in every direction trying to make sense of her surroundings. Once her brain caught up with her she calmed down seeing she was at beacon, she took a few calming breaths as she raised her lizard arm and looked at it. Years of shedding make the scar invisible but she could still feel the knife there*

Ruby:he's dead, he's dead and he's not coming back he....he can't touch me anymore...

*Ruby muttered to herself in some attempt to calm herself but it only made her feel hollow, she gave a low growl*

Ruby:stop being so pathetically week...

*Ruby spat softly to herself as she sat on the bed and looked out the sun wouldn't be up for another 5 five minutes, she shivered when her feet made contacts with the cold floor as she got up and went to the bathroom to start her day, she washed her face and drank from the sink the lukewarm water like she has never drank water before*

Ruby: I'll admit having water on demand is something I like about this hell hole

*Ruby said to herself remembering that water was a luxury in vacuo, most of her baths were just dust baths since they couldn't afford to waste water like that. Ruby took of the shorts Nora let her borrow and got in the shower*


*Ruby looked at the shower like it was something from another world and she didn't know the first thing on how to use it, she shrugged and pressed a random button, instantly regretted that as she hissed out of the shower falling on her face, she scrambled as fast as she could to the corner her her heart beating as fast as a drum, since ruby touched the cold water button, mix that with her being a cold blooded individual those two things don't mix well. Ruby grabbed the red towel above him and dried herself off before keeping the towel around her for warmth. Ruby's ear flicked at the sound of a knock, she got up and opened the door seeing Pyrrha on the other side*

Pyrrha:ruby is everything ok? I woke up by the sound of you hissing

Ruby:you must be one hell of a light sleeper then, I'm fine just stubbed my toe

Pyrrha:stubbed your toe huh?

Ruby:yes, stubbed my pinkie toe the most useless part of the body

*Ruby lied smoothly, Pyrrha looked at ruby still noticable wet hair, then at the shower curtains that were on the floor and finally at the shower that the cold shower button was still shining. It didn't take 2 seconds for her to figure out what happened, she smiled at ruby a smile of sympathy*

Pyrrha:I see, you know that shower it's pretty complicated, I had trouble figuring it out when I first got here, how about I help you?

*Pyrrha mentality cursed herself being so early her mind wasn't all there and forgot that ruby hated help, the look of disgust and anger on the younger girls face said it all*

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