chapter 29

495 17 24

Last time

Ichi Hanma: little girl why don't you go play doll, your not even in my weight class

Ruby;wow unbelievable, is the little man scared of a 15 year old girl? Who would've thought he was so pathetic

*Ruby said laughing and pointing at him. Ichi frowned deeply and looked at the announcer*

Ichi:get this girl a pair of gloves


*After 20 minutes of neo wrapping bandages around Ruby's chest she tapped her shoulder, ruby got up and put on the grey tank top mercury let her borrow*

Mercury:try to not get blood on my shirt

Ruby:seltzer water and lemon for blood

*Mercury just chuckled and scratched the back of his head*

Mercury:ok I'm gonna ignore how to you know that and I was just making a joke

*Emerald appeared and gave ruby a pair of boxing gloves. Ruby took off her own pair of red gloves and looked at her hands, one with a 'P' forever marked in to her body letting the world know she's nothing but property to be bought and sold and the other full of scales that will be a constant memory of the man who broke her*

Ruby: a little help sweetheart, darling?

* Emerald and neo helped put them on and tied them on, emerald looked at ruby*

Ruby: didn't find it funny, are we done?

Emerald:unless you want to wait 15 minutes for the mouth guard

Ruby:what's a few more gold teeth

*Ruby said as she took off her bandana and belt putting self and defense in the arms of neo*

Ruby:look after them darling don't think they'll let me up there with them

Neo'you got it, you know your not gonna win right?'

Ruby: winning? Ha! Who said anything about that? Nah, this is about blowing some steam nothing more

*ruby turned around and walked in to the ring looking at the giant of the man that was 2 her size and practically 3 times her own body weight. Ruby scowled as she raised her arms up in a fighting stance*

Announcer:the last match of the night is about to start ladies and gentlemen!! You all know the rules! No semblance, no killing, if the opponents taps out you let them free, 5 minutes per round, the match is over by knockout or if the referee deci...

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Announcer:the last match of the night is about to start ladies and gentlemen!! You all know the rules! No semblance, no killing, if the opponents taps out you let them free, 5 minutes per round, the match is over by knockout or if the referee decides you can no longer continue. Now! ichi Hanma!! Are you ready?!!

Ichi: I'll try to be gentle with you little girl

*Ichi said slamming his fists together making an audible sound and a small gust of wind to hit ruby*

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