chapter 74

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*ruby woke with the warmth of a blanket instead of the cold air of the morning, she slowly got up, and looked around, she was in a tent instead of a rooftop, she got out and saw Pyrrha picking at the fire with a stick.*

Ruby:when...when did we get back to camp? When did you build the camp?

Pyrrha:oh! Ruby good morning, how are you feeling?

*Pyrrha asked looking at ruby with a smile, she patted the spot in the log next to her, and ruby sat down next to her, she grabbed the pot of coffee Pyrrha made and started pouring herself a cup*

Ruby:things are...quiet, I'm not used to my brain being so....quiet... Not even with the booze

Pyrrha:oh, well that's wonderful! I'm so glad the pills are already working there magic. Oh and about what you asked. After you fell asleep, I carried you to the camp, I set it up before I came to look for you, there's also some jerky and dried fruits in my backpack, you must be hungry

*Pyrrha asked pushing the backpack with her leg to ruby, ruby started to look for the food*

Ruby: should've brought that bird Grimm I killed, the meat would've been good protein

Pyrrha:you... you've eating Grimm? But you have a Grimm as a pet, isn't that, I don't know, kinda messed up?

*Pyrrha asked with a raised eyebrow, ruby snorted finding Pyrrha's naiveness cute*

Ruby:this is vacuo angel, there's not a lot of options over here, we eat what we can get. Also what do you think I feed Zwei? His diet are fish, roots, berries and Grimm, but don't tell oobleck that, he won't leave me alone with the questions if you do

Pyrrha:cool, cool, cool, cool, coooool. So, I see you got new guns. What happened to your old one's?

*Pyrrha asked confused, ruby took one of her jackals out and gave it to Pyrrha*

Ruby:needed an upgrade, last mission, self and defense just aren't gonna cut it anymore. So the major, gave me these weapons as a reward....for following through with the mission completely

Pyrrha: I see, and what's so good about this guns? I mean, apart that there more modern

*Pyrrha asked, just wanting to ignore the elephant in the room as long as possible, ruby started explaining everything max told her about her new weapons, and Pyrrha was impressed by them*

Pyrrha:so, is he gonna provide the ammo for you?

Ruby:yup, good deal, I mess with his competition and in return I get new guns

*Ruby said glancing around, she was waiting for rose or penny to appear, but they didn't. It was all just quiet, eerily quiet, the only noise ruby could hear was Pyrrha talking, and the crackle of the fire*

Ruby:I'm sorry, what did you say? I didn't quite hear that.

Pyrrha:I said, did you really fight a, A ranked Grimm while you were injured, instead of running?

*Pyrrha asked with a smile, ruby was starting to feel uncomfortable and looked at another direction.* wasn't that bad, it was quite the easy fight

Pyrrha:really? Then why don't you tell me what happened?


Ruby:ok...ok, this is what you wanted. Something to distract yourself, well you got it...

*Ruby said taking a few shuttering breaths to calm down, she grabbed the twin jackals and pointing them at the pounding door, her gaze turned cold, as she's about to do what she does best, Grimm hunting. The grim broke open the door and screeched at ruby, ruby started shooting at her, jumping out of the way, the bird grim whipped it's tail at ruby, it had enough strength and forced to pushed ruby to the wall grunting, she would scream but the air was literally punched out of her stomach. It felt as if she was whipped with barbed wire*

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