chapter 62

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Hours later

Klein:there we are, good as can be. Now I recommend lots of rest

*Klein said finishing the last bandage on Ruby's body, Klein started cleaning up while in the background penny was waking everybody up. Well everyone except Ren and Nora who looked cute cuddled up together. Ruby spat out the rubber object to the floor, the thing looked like it was one good bite away from snapping in half, and she took a weak breath*

Ruby:god, I would give me human hand for a drink right now, thanks Klein. As always your the best at what you do

Klein:my, your...welcome miss rose

*Klein said surprised that ruby rose actually gave him a compliment. Whitley yawned getting up from the chair and stretching*

Whitley:alright, our work here is done, and it's only....2 in the morning, my where does the time go.

Klein:quite right, till next we meet miss rose. Here's hoping it's in better condition

*Klein said grabbing his medical bag and leaving a bottle of pills, for the pain ruby will no doubt fill In the morning*

Ruby:I don't see that happening in the future

Whitley;neither do I, till next we meet rose. Now excuse us we really may be going.

Pyrrha:yes, I'm sure your father must be worried sick about your whereabouts

*Whitley snorted and Klein rolled his eyes, that's the last thing in both of there minds*

Whitley:please, I know he doesn't even know I'm gone. Nah it's more do the fact that the mask warrior can't be left without supervision

*Whitley and Klein trembled remembering what happened last time that well meaning maniac was left alone for so long. Whitley gave a small bow do them and walked away with Klein. Pyrrha closed the door and turned around, she saw penny helping ruby out of the bed, and ruby of course complaining*

Ruby:the bed is fine, just let me sleep

Penny:rosy that bed is filled with your blood and sweat, I know you've slept in worse so shut it.

*Penny said with a small smirk, ruby huffed and puffed up her cheeks in a pout, Pyrrha had a small smile seeing that interaction. Penny put ruby on the sofa as soft as she could, she turned around took the dirty sheets off and flipped the mattress around*

Penny: I'm gonna go find new sheets, Pyrrha make sure she doesn't fall asleep on the couch, she'll wake up sore in the morning

Ruby: penpen I just had surgery without any cactus juice to dull the pain, on a shitty motel, I'm pretty sure I'll wake up sore no matter where I sleep

*Ruby said grumbling, penny ignored her and walked out. Pyrrha took a breath and sat down on the armchair in front of ruby*

Pyrrha:penny for your thoughts?

Ruby:I'm... I'm struggling, I'm struggling between being selfish and doing what's best for her

*Ruby admitted with a sigh, Pyrrha looked at her confused, and motion her hand for ruby to continue*

Ruby:I...I want to be selfish and make her stay with me. But if she stays she won't be safe, no matter what I choose I'll end up losing another one of her...

Pyrrha:you must be really happy to have penny back

*Pyrrha said with a soft smile, ruby was too weak to hide it, she let her emotions show, and let sadness be free*

Ruby:I would rather life in the ugly truth, then a beautiful illusion, no matter how beautiful that illusion might be....

Pyrrha;what illusion? She's real. Penny is right here

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