chapter 81

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*after days in vacuo, we see team JWBY+PR, going back home to beacon. Ruby was down at the cargo, with Zwei and miracle resting, she was doing some pull ups, with a exposed pipe. She didn't noticed someone walking up to her*

Pyrrha:we need to talk

Ruby:I don't need to talk, but I will listen

*Ruby said jumping down, and cracking her neck, she sighed relief that she was back to 100% physically. Pyrrha looked at ruby with concern*

Pyrrha:ruby, you've been acting strange for the last couple of days in vacuo, you've also been acting strange with me, you've been acting like you did, when we first met.

Ruby:...i don't know what your talking about

*Ruby said waving her hand dismissively, she walked passed her, but felt Pyrrha's hand on her shoulder*

Pyrrha:ruby, please talk to me

*Pyrrha said in that gentle tone, she always uses with her, part of ruby likes it, but a new part of her hates it, since it's just more proof that she doesn't see ruby, as dating material*

Ruby:angel, I'm fine. Honest, I don't really know what more you want me to say, I agreed to take therapy with Glynda, I agreed to take the stupid fucking pill. What more do you want from me?

Pyrrha:.....this is about the antipsychotics pills isn't? You always call something stupid, or fucking, when they bother you

*Ruby flinched, and hung her head low a little, she shoved Pyrrha's hand away from her and started walking, no where really since she couldn't get off, of a moving plane, she just needed space. But Pyrrha wasn't gonna let her, go deeper in to her shell again, not after all the progress they made*

Pyrrha:ruby, you know I'm not gonna go away, until you talk to me

Ruby:argh! Just go with pretty boy, and leave me alone! I'm bloody fine!

*Ruby said, her tone raising, walking faster, but Pyrrha grabbed Ruby's wrist, and pulled her close to her, Pyrrha turned her around softly, and cleaned the tears of frustration on Ruby's face*

Pyrrha:if this is bloody fine, I'm bloody freaking Mary. Talk. To. Me.

Ruby:.....I hate taking this pills, I hate the fact that they work

*Ruby muttered softly, with a sigh of frustration, Pyrrha didn't say anything, just waited patiently, for ruby to continue on*

Ruby: I hate the fact that, that means I was completely wrong, I hate the fact that now I have a drinking problem, that I didn't need to have, I hate that all this time, I could've stopped the voices, I hate that it was so fucking simple, and I couldn't see it!!

*Ruby screamed wanting to punch something, that feeling left when Pyrrha, lowered herself to her knees, to be eye to eye with ruby, and hugged her from behind, calming her down*

Pyrrha: ruby, you are a smart person, when it comes to guns, when it comes to making plans on the spot, when it comes to making impossible choices, you are smart in a lot of things. But your still 15 years old, you were 10 when you were finally free yourself, you didn't trust anybody, you couldn't have trusted anybody, so you found a solution that worked for you. Now things are different, now you have people that care for you have the means, to heal yourself mentally, now you have the means, to use something, much more effective.

*Pyrrha pulled her closer to her, hugging her tighter, and kissed her cheek, making our little gunslinger blush as crimson red, as her bandana*

Ruby:it just...frustrates me, that the solution was so easy, for so long...

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