chapter 33

449 16 16

Last time

Ruby: . At least that's what that bastard snake told me

*Pyrrha flinched hard enough that her spoon fell to her soup, a few gave them weird glances but ruby just kept eating. Pyrrha gulped as she looked at ruby, her mouth trembled about to ask something when something beat her to the punch. As they all heard someone in pain*

Cardin:no way, there real!


*the table ruby was in everyone but her looked at the source of the sound and saw Cardin pulling on velvet's ears*

*the table ruby was in everyone but her looked at the source of the sound and saw Cardin pulling on velvet's ears*

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Jaune:man there they go again I wish they give it a rest already

Ruby:there the same morons that tried to throw rotten fruit to me. Who are they?

*Ruby asked slightly curious but more concentrating finishing her meal leaving nothing but the tray and the grease of the food*

Ren:there the members of team CRDL
Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark

Blake:there nothing but a bunch of faunus hating bigots

Yang:tell me about it. Sorry guys I'm gonna go, seeing just made me lose my appetite

*Yang said, they all said there goodbyes. Yang got up and looked at ruby. Ruby sighed feeling yangs eyes on her and she gave her a wave, it was a dismissive wave but it was a wave none the less, it made yang smile and she walked out with a bit of pep in her step*

Cardin; ha, she even has a tail

*Blake glared at cardin and ruby finally spared a glance at what was going on*

Blake: absolutely disgusting behavior

Ruby:I couldn't agree more

*Ruby said drinking her strawberry smoothie in one gulp, she frowned putting some of her cactus juice on the next drink making some of the people on her table frown at her*

Ruby/Blake:cardin/bunny girl should be expelled

*Everyone gasped at what ruby said. Ruby not seeing anything wrong she kept eating*

Pyrrha:ruby how can you say that? It's not her fault that cardin's such a reprobate

Ruby:if she's weak enough to let herself be treated like that then she deserves what she gets

*Ruby said looking at her reflection on the water. Ruby was completely projecting seeing her younger self as weak, seeing as if in some twisted sick way that she deserved what she got because she was too weak to fight back . But people like blake couldn't have possibly know that*

Ruby"the strong survive and the weak die that's how the world works"

Blake: but doesn't it make you angry? She's a faunus being discrimination

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