Special: "The New Generation of the Ninja"

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(This will be in 3rd person omniscient!)

Last known age for the Brookstones:

Adam: (before) 12, 17 (During the small time-skip of "A Love that can Heal Inner Wounds"), 22 (now)

Emma: 9 (before), 14(during the timeskip of "A Love that can Heal Inner Wounds") 19 (now)

Cole: 38 (before), 48 (now) {I just added 10 years since I'm quite lazy lol}

You: 37 (before), 47 (now)

(Others will be shown at the end of the special!)


*Beep* *Beep*


"Okay...! I'm up...I'm up...geez...Can't I get normal sleep?!" Groaned Adam as he twisted in his plush bed before going to sit up and knock over the alarm with his hand.




"Five more minutes!" Yelled back the now young adult.

"You already had 6 minutes before! Come out and get your day started." You yelled from the bottom of the stairs connected to the floor where the bedrooms are.

"Then please give me 5 more minutes mom...! And I don't want to start my day yet...! Go and wake Emma first!" Protested the raven haired man as you huffed.

"Uh, oh. I know that face. You're going to drag him out of his bed?" Asked Cole looking away from his phone.

"Ohohoho! Big time! I'll be down here in 10." You viscously smiled before stomping up the stairs.

"I should help and warn him but I'll end up getting in the friendly fire of my beautiful wife so nope." Cole tried to think if he had a chance to defending his first son but then remembered of your wrath and turned down the idea.

Right before Adam could peacefully sleep again someone barged into his room, "AH! Mom! Did you forget to knock?" Screeched your firstborn as you only scowled.

"I have been trying to play nice with you for 15 minutes, son. It's either you get out of that bed or I'll make you." You retorted before giving him a choice.

"But-", "You have 20-no, 10 seconds to choose."

"What?! But—", "6 seconds left."

That made Adam stiffen in his place before speaking, "Mom!-"

"Too late! Come on next Master of Earth. Today is the day where you and you're group are finally being promoted!" You said before dragging your son to his private bathroom as he whined while still having a blanket in his hands.

"Moooooom!~ Please...! I don't wanna see Taylor and Jesse! They're going to drive me nuts!" Whined Adam again as he was still dragged to the bathroom.

"Suck it up Ninja! Be ready in 20." You said before closing the bathroom door.

Emma was awoken by the sudden noise and greeted her father, "Hey dad. Adam being whiny again?"

"Yeeep. He'll be fine in a few minutes. He forgives your mother easily." Nodded Cole before going back to his business.

"Had a feeling. Zach already told me about the promotion day." Emma added in as she ate her breakfast.

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