My Dinner with Nadakhan

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Lloyd volunteered to use his power dragon to see if we can use ours to get back to Ninjago, he soon came back shortly.

He soon fell on the ground making me and the others ran up to him, "Are you okay, brother?" I asked as I helped him up.

"Did you see any land?" Asked Cole beside me.

"Just water. I tried to reach the mainland, but it was too far. We won't be able to get off this island on our own." Said Lloyd.

Cole started laughing making me and Nya look at him if he broke loss a screw in his head, "What's so funny about our predicament?" Asked Nya putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say to that. 'You're telling me we went through all that trouble to get the venom to stop Nadakhan, and now we have no way to get off this island?!' Hehe...Gone one day, and I already miss him spazzing out." Said Cole.

"Me too. After he lied to us, I was so hard on him. And now he's captured and all alone. Some friends we are." Said Nya as I huffed.

"Now you three understand what you finally put him through?! After him getting captured? I mean, I know why you're mad at him, Nya, but telling him to go do a dangerous task without any backup is seriously low! I mean, if I wasn't there, he'd probably get eaten and we'd never have the Tiger Venom without him! I can't believe you all just realized what he's been through to JUST get you all to get his trust back!" I yelled as the others lowered their heads.

"(N/N). I understand why you're upset. But he did got us into this mess in the first place and—" Cole tried to calm me down but I was not having it.

"UPSET?! I AM ENRAGED! I WAS THERE TO HELP HIM! AND I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING! YOU COULDN'T DO ANYTHING! ALL YOU CARED ABOUT WAS YOUR PRECIOUS VENOM SO WE CAN STOP NADAKHAN! Well. NOW YOU HAVE IT! And you'll deal with it and find a plan to get us off this island on your own, while I go and get some air away from you 'friends'!" I shouted as I soon turned away.

"Are you really going to just walk away on me like that? You can't do that! What if Nadakhan gets to you?" Asked Cole as he seemed a bit worried but I still sensed some anger in his tone.

"I don't care! I'd rather be stuck with Jay then being here with ill minded people like you! Humph!" I shouted back at my boyfriend.

"Sis! Please wait! We can talk about this! I know how much you care about Jay. We can still save him. But we can't argue amongst each other because of this. We'll figure this out. Just please don't walk...away..." said Lloyd but I was already long gone.

Your brother sadly sighed, since this is the first ever fight you two had.

"It's fine. We kinda deserve it. She just needs some time. I hope that she can deal with Nadakhan on her own. Let's just find a way to get off the island so we won't be scolded by your sister even more." Said Nya holding on Lloyd's for comfort.

"'s just that...this is the first ever fight we've had as feels so horrible...I feel like I'm going to crumble under the earth..." said Lloyd as Cole held his other shoulder.

"We understand. And do you know how I feel? She went all up on me first while she just ignored you. It's my first ever fight with her as well. But we can't let that cloud our path. We need to find a way off this island before any more of us gets taken away by Nadkhan to become his power source for his sword." Stated Cole.


I was angrily kicking around anything that was in front of me.

"They just only cared about his well-being the moment he was caught! Well...I cared about him the moment I found's understandable for them to not trust Jay...but the guy only was driven by what he heard...he didn't mean to hurt the others...people have desires and make mistakes while trying to get those kinds of's how we humans work....!" I said while I took down a tree since I accidentally used my powers.

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