The Hands of Time

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We were helping out for the damage of the museum since the ghosts on the Day of the Departed were attacking Ninjago as Cole was the one responsible but I couldn't blame him, he was still a ghost back then.

"This ends now, Samukai! Nope, pretending this is the actual Samukai doesn't make cleaning up the museum any more interesting. This is so lame. We're Ninja, not janitors." Complained Jay as I used my powers to put some artifacts in the places that are too high for me to reach.

"Come on, JJ. We're all kind of responsible for the damages to the museum. After all, if we hadn't had that massive battle on the Day of the Departed, this place would still be in one piece." I said as I helped him a little as Lloyd nodded to me and pushed a rack of statues.

"Yeah, and who's fault is that, Cole?!" Taunted Jay.

"Okay. How many more times do I have to say I'm sorry for accidentally unleashing the ghostly forces of evil that attacked Ninjago?" Asked Cole putting back a picture of Sensei Yang.

"How high can you count?" Asked Jay as I only shook my head at the two.

"Eh, speaking of which, you're still not used to having your old, non ghost hands back?" Asked Jay picking up crate as he saw Cole's hands glow.

"I'm working on it. Even with Angel's lessons of keeping balance, it's still a bit difficult." He said as he pushed a tray.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it, hun'." I smiled as I kissed his cheek before going to help Nya.

"This is exhausting! If I could go back in time, I'd tell Dr. Saunders we were too busy to help." Said Nya cracking her back before she placed her head on the crate.

"Haha. I don't think you wanna do that..." I said remembering what happened last time we time travelled.

"Nya, you may recall that the rest of us once time-travelled. It can have devastating effects, and should not be used lightly. Certainly not to get out of labour." Informed Zane as he pulled a rack.

"It's just an expression, Zane." Said blankly Nya as I giggled.

"Hey, Angel? Do you know anything about this portrait?" Cole called out to me as I walked to him.

" looks quite familiar...especially those two...Hey guys! Look what Cole found!" I yelled making the team except my brother join us.

"Uh, isn't that Garmadon?" Asked Jay as I gasped.

"It is. Lloyd, Angel, that's your father." Said Cole.

"And there's Uncle Wu." I said pointing to the man beside my father.

"He looks so...young." Said Nya.

"Look at them, our father and uncle, Ninjago's two geeatest Elemental Masters. I wonder if we'll ever live up to their legacy?" Asked Lloyd as I hugged his side.

"We'll take it slow every step of the way. You're already doing great, brother." I smiled as Jay nodded.

"First Kai and Nya, now Lloyd and (N/N). It's family picture day at the museum!" Chuckled Jay.

"Does anyone recognize this battle?" Asked Cole.

"Pixal, analyse please." Said Zane as he stepped forward to see the picture closely.

"Facial contour mapping indicates this scene takes place 40 years ago, during the Serpentine Wars." I heard Pixal say as Zane put his volume up so we could hear her.

"During the Serpentine Wars? But Ninjago was at peace. Who would they be fighting?" Asked Cole.

"I think I know who. It's probably—" I was going to answer my boyfriend's question but Mr. Saunders appeared with tea to give us.

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