Curse World: Part 2 (Season 5 Finale)

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"Sis...! Sis! Hey! Can you hear me...?" I heard a voice as I soon opened my eyes.

"Oh! Good! I thought you were injured." He said as he hugged me making me lean in the touch as I soon got up with his help.

"This is quite disgusting in so many ways..." I said as we heard some whining in the distance.

We gasped as we saw the ghosts coming in our world as we soon ran away to not cause trouble.

We gasped again as we saw our father chained up, "Dad!/Father!"

"Lloyd? (Y/N)?" He asked as we soon ran as fast as could to hug him as we stayed like that for a brief moment before frowning at his state.

But father didn't care as he smiled warmly to how much we've grown, "My son and daughter. You've grown so much."

"We'll get you out of here, dad!" Said Lloyd as I and him started to pull at the chains hopping to break them.

"There's no use. These chains will no break." He said as we stopped and looked around.

"Father? Where are we...?" I asked.

"The Cursed Realm is the Preeminent, and the Preeminent is the Cursed Realm. My children, you're in the belly of the beast. But if you're in here..." Said father.

"Moro is the Green Ninja. And he's stolen the Realm Crystal. We tried, Father..." said Lloyd as I held his side.

"You both must not give up. If he has the crystal, all is endangered." Stated father.

"But how? Technically at the moment, brother is not the Green Ninja anymore! And I don't think my powers alone will be much of help..." I said as I tried to use my powers but since we're in the Preeminent's stomach. I didn't do much.

"It was never the colour of gi that made you who both are. It was the colour of your hearts. Don't give up." He said as he smiled to us.

"We won't, Father." Stated Lloyd.

"You both must leave here and destroy the Preeminent. Save Ninjago. Save the Realms." Said father.

"But if we destroy could potentially...destroy you..." I protested.

"Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you. There comes a time when every boy must become a man. And when every girl must become a woman. What sort of man or woman, is up to them." Said Father as I wiped a few tears away before smiling towards my father than to my brother.


Moro was laughing evilly thinking he'd won over the ninja and Ronan, but that wasn't the case.

Lloyd and I appeared in front of him as my brother took the Sword of Sanctuary. We were both wearing part of our father's robe attire to honour him.

"What? You two again?!" He yelled.

"Yeah, we're back." Smirked Lloyd, "And stronger than ever! And I believe you have something of ours, dear Moro." I said as I pointed to the Realm Crystal.

He didn't talk as he soon attacked us but we both dodged as I helped my brother by combining my powers with him sending a light and power blast to him making Moro hit a wall.

"Try this!" Yelled Lloyd, "Yeah! Alright, Lloyd, (Y/N)!" Cheered the ninja.

"Ronin, get to the ship and protect the people." I said to Ronin who nodded at me and went to go in action.

"Ninja, take the stilts. We need to drop the Preeminent into the sea." Said Lloyd.

"Ugh. Why didn't we think of that earlier?!" Yelled Jay.

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