The Tale of Benthomaar

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(You can skip this part if you'd like!)

(To make it short Benthomaar has no recollection of his real parents ever since being saved from eels from Trimaar, but of course, Kalmaar hates him for being another species and weaker than their people so didn't accept him and even went to as far as using Bentho as a sacrifice if the tunnel was dangerous! (The temple of Wojira. He even said that day was when he knew that Kalmaar was never going to acknowledge him as his brother nor respect him. Not even love him as who he is...)

"I understood then, for the first time, I think, that Kalmaar would never love me. My father was the only one who cared about me. And now he's gone. And I am alone." Sighed Bentho in sadness.

"No, Bentho. We might not be family. But I promise you, you're not alone." Smiled Nya holding his shoulder.

"Yeah, Bentho. We're here." Agreed Jay.

"We can't pick out family, but we can pick our friends. And I'm proud to call you a friend. You did save my sister." Stepped in Lloyd as I did the same.

"He's right. We'll be with you every step of the way." I grinned softly.

"Now let's get to that island, Nya, we need to make sure we get the amulet before Kalmaar does!!" Stated Nya.

"You heard her, Pix! Full speed!" I cheered as she nodded and sped up the sub.

On our way to the Island of the Keepers I suggested we go to the dining area to discuss over what is the true motive of Kalmaar.

"Okay, so let me guess this straight...Kalmaar needs two amulets to awaken this huge serpent, Wojira, and he's got one of them already?" Asked Jay.

"Correct. The Wave Amulet." Nodded Bentho.

"And the second is the Storm Amulet, that we found on the Island of the Keepers?" Asked again the Blue Ninja.

"Yes. Which means we better get there first and make sure he doesn't get his hands on it." Stated Lloyd.

"Don't you mean tentacles? I mean he only uses his hands for his trident. Just saying." I commented but stopped hearing the small sigh escaping my brother's throat.

"Or he'll awaken Wojira...and destroy the surface world." Added Maya.

"I fail to see how the amulets will awaken Wojira? How are they linked?" Questioned Zane.

"It's really weird, but we saw it. Wojira is a huge snake and she has these two holes on her head...and the amulets fit inside." Explained Nya.

"Inside her head?! Gross!" Retorted in disgust, Nya's fiancé.

"Um, I'm sure it's just engraved on her head, JJ. Not literally inside her head/brain." I stated.

"And they were calling her with electricity. That's what was making Nya's powers go haywire." Further explained Nya's mother before we started to shake.

"Pixal? What was that?" Questioned Lloyd to the female Nindroid.

"It is the electrical storm. We are approaching the Island of the Keepers. Please secure yourselves. I will attempt to dive to a safer depth to avoid the storm, but we are likely to experience some turbulence." Told Pixal to Lloyd as we all slowly re-entered the control room.

We all strapped in as I prepared the sonars.

A large stalactite fell on the sub making Jay get out of his seat and hit a nearby wall, "Obstacle ahead, bear left. Two degrees." Stated Pixal.

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