A Line in the Sand

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We arrived at the park as Cole held out a hand to get me out of his vehicle as I kindly took it.

"Mega Monster Amusement Park? Really? Don't these guys have any sense of decency? Where does it end?" Asked Cole a bit done with all this snake stuff.

"It ends here and now." Stated Lloyd getting out of his part of the Ninja Tank.

"Pixal, give me a danger analysis. Pixal? Pixal, respond. I need a danger analysis." Zane tried to talk to Pixal but it seems that she isn't responding making me think that maybe she was rebooted out of Zane's drive or digital form was pushed away by the system?

"There's one! The roller coaster!" Yelled Nya as we saw the snake warriors take away the metal form the coaster.

"I got this brother! Zane, Cole, get up there fast!" I said as they nodded.

"Right." Replied Zane using Airjitzu as Cole did also, "As you command, Angel!"

"The rest of you, spread out. Time to make this place a snake-free zone. We can do this, team!" Said Lloyd as I smiled and soon put my hood on.

I soon took care of some of the snake warriors as I helped out Cole and Zane by helping the citizens to safety.

"You don't have a ticket, and you don't have a ticket, and you, and you." I heard Cole.

"What do I have then? I didn't get a ticket to get here?" I asked.

"You get something better than a ticket." He said pulling me closer.

"How cute of you! Um. Excuse me? Could you please steal metal elsewhere? I'm trying to have a moment with my boyfriend here." I said before looking to a snake warrior who stopped and soon nodded leaving after.

"Catch y'a later, tough guy~" I teased before running off to take down some snake warriors.

"So? Anyone want to surrender before I blind you all or no?" I asked as the snake warriors soon hissed at me and charged to attack.

"Well, that answered my question." I stated blankly before going in close combat and using Spinjitzu to get rid of the armour as the snakes soon hissed at me as they formed into a bigger warrior.

"Ninja, sound off! Is everyone okay?!" I heard my brother as I had to run away from a huge snake warrior before it crushed me.

"So far...barely!" Yelled Nya going over to my brother's side before Cole came in and landed on his back after being thrown like a rag doll by a snake warrior.

"If you mean, "Okay, there are sure a lot of them!" Then yeah, I'm okay. Woah!" Said Cole before I entered in and soon made a giant light orb and shot it at the huge snake warrior that soon separated in small ones as the blast pushed me away making Cole catch me.

"Huh. I guess I am good at catching falling angels." He said as I only rolled my eyes, "My hero."

He soon put me down as we all climb up a ride that was higher than the snakes to get away from them.

"For the record, this is the least amusing amusement park I've ever been to." Stated Kai a but unamused. (No pun intended...I think...)

"These snakes are behaving curiously." Said Zane appearing as he climb more on the ride we were on.

"You think? 'Cause stealing scrap metal doesn't seem like, you know, normal snake behaviour." Retorted Kai as we had to head for higher ground.

"Neither does reforming into unstoppable samurai things." Added Cole.

The Guardian of Light (A Ninjago Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz