How to Build a Dragon

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It was a little bit after Lloyd's Broadcast. The rest of us joined the others in a toast for the successful comeback.

"To the resistance! May it never quit!" Yelled Karlof.

"The resistance never quits!" We all yelled in unison.

Darreth was giving us some tea and food while we all sat a table, "Boy. Must've been awesome to be there. I wish I could've—"

"It was great! We couldn't have planned it better!" Smiled Nya.

"The whole city heard the broadcast!" Smiled Skylor.

"I'll toast to that!" Intervened Mr. Pale.

"But hats off to Lloyd. Without his words, and his leadership...Let's just say hope is a powerful thing." Smiled Skylor as she pointed her cup to my brother.

"My boy." Mother was proud of him as I held my face.

"I can't believe how much you're growing! Stop it...!" I dramatically sighed as he laughed before hugging me.

"I couldn't have done it without you." He said making me smile as we broke the hug.

"Yep. Loyalty is pretty powerful. Let's not forget the little people. Oh..." smiled Darreth.

"This is just the start. I couldn't have done it without your power and your help. We have to show we're more than words. Now we fight. And I'm not gonna lie to you. We need an army. Has anyone heard from the Master of Form?" Stated Lloyd before he asked where is the Master of Form.

"I think—How do you say...She is 'bad girl' girl now." Answered Karlof.

"What about Bolobo?" Asked Nya to Skylor.

"Ultra Violet hunted down the Master of Nature early on." She answered.

"Ah! Maybe it's time the Brown Ninja—" Darreth was cut off.

"There, there." I consoled him as I insisted on giving the rest of the food to the others.

"What about the Serpentine?" Asked Lloyd.

"After seeing how the Time Twins abused those snakes, AND one of them I heard had a huge crush on your sister...they said they wanna sit this one out." Replied Griffin.

"Acronix...I wish I had a landed a final blow on that punk...!" I growled as mother calmed me down making me sigh as I finished giving food to the others as I went to give Darreth the tray making him thank me.

"Let's start brainstorming a list on who else can help." Restarted Lloyd.

"I can help." Popped in Darreth.

"That would be great. Can you get us a blackboard and some refills? This could take some time." Asked Lloyd as he moved both his and my cup away.

"Yeah, okay, right, sure. I'll get over—Yeah. Sure, office supplies..." whisperer Darreth a bit annoyed he can't help making me feel bad for him.

"Wr can't risk an all-out assault. My father is too powerful." Said Lloyd as I nodded.

"Right. We'll need to be more discreet about our first attack." I nodded.

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