Double Trouble

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The team were back at the dojo of Dareth as Lloyd had a task to control his energy using a lightbulb as a starting point.

"Focus, Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge wheeling up...harness it." Said Jay.

"I understand. I am in control..." smiled Lloyd as he soon got back to the focusing.

"Come on, Lloyd. You can do it!" Encouraged Jay more.

"Argh! Stupid light bulb! You're putting too much pressure on me! Let me have one more try." Asked Lloyd.

"Way to go king of encouragement. Sorry little bro. That was the last one..." I muttered before talking to my brother who groaned as I looked at all the broken glass on the floor.

"Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow." Said Cole handing him a brown as he didn't use to clean but used it as a weapon.

"My brother is already having anger issues like me...looks like father rubbed on both of us..." I sighed as my uncle held my shoulder in reassurance.

"What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power." Asked Jay to our sensei as I winced when I saw Lloyd fall to the ground.

"You dare defy the Green Ninja!"

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd and (Y/N). Remember where they came from. They're both the children of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light like his sister." Said sensei as he still had a hand on my shoulder as I smiled.

Nya soon came in the dojo, "Hey guys!"

"Hey, Nya!/Hey, girlfriend!" Said all of us.

"Hey, Jay, wanna come by to the auto Body Shop later?" Asked Nya as I smiled and quietly squealed at them taking making my uncle chuckle at my reaction.

"The auto Body Shop?" Questioned Jay getting a bit nervous as Nya was a bit nervous as well, "Yeah, I got a part-time job. Thought I could fix the Ultra Sonic Radar in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on."

"Ah. Sure! What you got there?" Asked Jay as he soon pointed to the letter in Nya's hands.

"Oh, um...this letter came for Lloyd." Said Nya.

I held the paper as I looked over it with sensei, "Hm. It's from Lloyd's old school."

"The Darkly School for Bad Boys?" Asked Cole as I shuddered at the memory, "Please don't tell me we gotta go there..."

"Formerly bad boys. Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkly School for Great Children." Explained further sensei.

"Wait, they've turned good?" Asked Kai in disbelief.

"Hm. It says here there's going to be a ceremony." I said looking over the paper.

"I love ceremonies! That means there going to be cake." Said Cole as I laughed at his remark.

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him a honorary degree in excellence." Said my uncle.

I soon looked to see my brother angrily breaking the broomstick as he soon head butted the punching bag.

"Are we sure were talking about the same Lloyd? The sweet baby brother I am related to?" I asked as we all looked at my brother still angrily punching the sand bag.

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