A Big Splash

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"Why'd they wanna meet way out here anyway? We're in the middle of nowhere!" Whined Miss Demeanor.

"Probably so those nosy-ninja don't find us." Spoke a thug.

𝗧𝗼𝗼 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁!

Lloyd, Kai and Jay appeared, taking off their villager disguises in front of the woman and her underlings.

"Sorry to burst your bubble! But...um...I believe this is called Vengestone Trafficking. So we'll have to cut your trade in, short!" I appeared on top of the truck taking out my spear while the thugs were shocked.

"Oh, wow! I've been waiting for this!" Grinned Miss Demeanor as I gave Jay a look who responded with a shrug.

"I've worked so hard to make it to the top. And it's actually happening! Oh, wait, wait, wait. I had a line for this. Oh, yeah! I've got a warm welcome planned!" Gasped the woman in delight before finding her light and shot fire at the boys, making them dodge the flames.

"Get the trucks outta here! You four, get the Ninja!" Ordered Miss Demeanor.

"I'm not even gonna ask..." I sighed ignoring Miss Demeanor's fan girl moment a while ago before jumping on another truck to wait for her arrival.

"So long, boys! I hope our paths cross again!" Taunted Miss Demeanor sending one last fire blast at Jay who dodged and sped away on top of a truck.

"How's this?! Too soon?" Taunted back Cole appearing with his Rock-Cycle.

"Yeah...You forgot I'm right behind you." I commented making Miss Demeanor shriek in fright.

"AH! Did you teleport?!" She asked.

"I wish." I smiled innocently before she sent her flames after me making me dodge.

I tried to get close to her but she kept on shooting flames making me jump on the next truck.

"Hahaha!" The red haired woman laughed before sending a signal to the trucks beside her to move in front of her to protect her from my fiancé.

I gave Cole a signal as I knew he'd see it before I went to shoot my light blasts at her, but she countered them by sending her flames or just dodging them.

'If he ends up hitting me...I'll revoke his cake privileges.' I spoke in my head before a huge explosion made two trucks go flying as Cole zipped right under them.

In the meantime, I was in the air doing acrobats and landed perfectly on my feet without any scratches.

"Whoa-hoho! Nice move there, Angel!" Praised Cole as I only laughed.

"I had no choice since you sent two blasts at the truck I was standing on. But it was a nice shot." I spoke back before our moment was ruined since we had to move out of the way to dodge a fire blast from Miss Demeanor.

But then we had to run on the side of the truck she was standing on since she wasn't stopping even though we were both in front of her.

"You okay?" Asked Cole as I merely nodded.

"Haha! Nice try, Ninja! You almost had me!" Taunted the woman as she sped off.

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