The Oni and the Dragon

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I soon landed the ship somewhere in the ocean where the Sons of Garmadon won't find us as I furled the sails with Nya and soon got into the ship ready to relax for a bit.

"Isn't it great? Your brother is finally bonding with someone that isn't you or us!" Smiled Cole as I smiled back.

"Mhm! I am. Though I wish he would start to try to show a little bit more affection...and Harumi seems a bit too calm for this...even though she is well felt like it was rehearsed or planned..." I said before mumbling.

"Angel? Angel. You're mumbling again." Said Cole as he held my hand making me jump a bit since I was in my own world.

"Ah! Was I? So sorry. I was just thinking of what we're gonna do next since now we have a royal figurehead on our dandy ship...hehe..." I chuckled nervously.

The moment I finished talking I saw my brother and Harumi appear as Lloyd helped her up.

"So, Harumi, looks like we're gonna be...roomies for a while." Joked Cole as he leaned on railing while I hit his side making him cry out a yell of pain.

"That was so bad, C.B.K." I sighed as Kai could only nod.

"You have all been so gracious to take me in since our palace was...taken away. And—" Started Harumi but Jay only smiled and intervened.

"You're safe with us." Said Jay as Zane soon spoke.

"That assumption is not entirely justified, Jay. We know very little about the Sons of Garmadon's full capabilities." Stated Zane.

"Other than one in the gang being a crazy purple woman who screeched like a banshee and a guy with a red mask who doesn't talk and a tall guy with large arms." I added.

"We know nothing about them. Period." Said Kai as I smiled.

"Slay King." I purred as he secretly dabbed me up while Cole just gave me a weird glance making me laugh a little.

"We do know they're after the three Oni Masks. Unfortunately, they already have two of them." Said Nya showing the two images of the Mask of Deception and Vengeance.

"Pixal scanned everywhere for the third mask, but it came up empty. It's as if it...never existed." Said Zane.

"It can be true, Z. But we're not sure. I know I've remembered the mask somewhere but can't place it in my head..." I said.

"Then we need to focus on who's giving the orders. A group this organized must have a leader." Stated my brother.

"Maybe someone from our past?" Asked Jay.

"Uh, forgive me, but is that...underwear?" Asked Harumi as Jay soon yanked the fabric form her hands as he soon covered it while standing in front of the rest of the group except Lloyd who was still by Harumi's side.

"Ehehehe...We're usually more organized...ahem! But our leader got lost in a time-stream. Uh, they're Cole's. Aka my bestie's boyfriend." Said Jay chuckling a bit as we all gave him some knowing looks as Cole soon looked offended that Jay said that.

"They're BLUE!" Yelled Cole as I only patted his chest to clam him down,

"There, there you big softie. JJ, please...Don't make this any more embarrassing..." I said.

"Haha! You're lucky they're not yellow." Laughed Kai.

Harumi only chuckled quietly as we soon returned to business.

"What about the suspect captured at the heist in Borg Tower? I can stay behind with Harumi if you wanna press him on who he works for?" Asked Nya as I smiled.

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