The Weakest Link (Finale of Season 9)

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We were back at the freezing room as we tied Harumi to a chair so she won't escape.

She started laughing, "Oh, how the tables have turned."

"Yeah, your plan worked. We got Harumi. Now what do we do?" Asked Darreth.

"What if we use her for trade? Our friends in the Kryptarium Prison, for her." Suggested Nya.

"I second that. Just being near or feeling her gross presence irritates me. And I'm supposed to be the nice-nice Ninja of all." I said raising my hand as I heard a growl from Harumi making me make a face at her.

"How does that make you feel, Lloyd, (Y/N)? That your father cares for me, more than his own children." She smirked thinking she hit a nerve as Lloyd walked up to her.

"My father cares for no one. Only his thirst for more power. He won't free our friends. We'll hold onto her. Until she's valuable to us." Stated Lloyd.

"My generals have been here before. It's only a matter of time until they find me." She added.

"I hate to admit it, she's right. I hope whatever card you have up your sleeve is an ace, (Y/N), because right now, we're about to fold. But don't tell me right now, 'cause I think she can hear us." Said Darreth to me as he whispered but wasn't doing a good job at it.

"We found something. In her belongings." Said Skylor opening the door.

"I think you need to see this." Stated Mystaké.

"Go, me and your sister will watch over her." Said Nya as they shut the door.

"So? How are you and the Earth Ninja, (Y/N)?~ Oh wait. You call him, 'handsome' or 'C.B.K.' Right?" She started after trying to break free as Nya glared at her but I stopped her and made the annoying girl continue.

"Well. Why are you asking? And don't call him that." I asked before making a stern gaze at her as she only laughed.

"Oh...I don't know. It's a shame that he's not here to save his poor girlfriend in strife~ Not so tough without your brother nor boyfriend, hm?~" She teased even more as Nya has had it.

"That's it! I'm punching her!" She yelled but I caught her fist.

"Stay calm, Nya. There is no need for violence for this situation. Our enemy is tied to a chair while we have the free will to do whatever we desire to her. We've had too much of a lead." I stated acting like a Sensei as she huffed but calmed down and moved away.

"Wow. Acting like a Sensei after all this time? You've really missed out on a lot." She teased more.

"You better zip it you tasteless salty snowflake before I make you. Oops! My apologies! I shouldn't have said that to the Princess! Oh wait...You aren't one. Well, dear. I was called 'Princess' before you. And you as one totally didn't help, why don't a fellow princess teaches another princess how to be royalty?!" I fought back as she gasped.

"Y-you!" She couldn't have anything to say more as I smirked.

"Try to do anything to my boyfriend like you did to my brother, and I'll surely make sure you don't run away with just a scratch." I warned before walking away and letting Lloyd back in with the others.

She gasped before seeing her mask, "My mask. You're going to steal it?"

"Save the performance. I'm not going to use it. It's a trap. The only reason someone as smart as her was captured, is because she wanted to be." Said Lloyd.

"Oh, very perceptive, Lloyd. You're smarter than you let on. If I can't trick you, perhaps I can deliver a message. Emperor Garmadon will destroy you, and you can do nothing to stop it, because you can never change." Stated Harumi.

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