Special: "A Love that can Heal Inner Wounds"

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*This will be done in the POV of Lloyd and the special woman! (With you and others!)*

(This is a few months after you arrested James and the Mechanic AGAIN after they kidnapped your kids.)

*In Lloyd's POV*

What time is it...?

I groaned while rubbing my eyes as I looked at the clock on my nightstand.

I only sighed that it was only 10:23 AM...on a friday...!

Just seeing the time made me we wanna roll in my sheets like a cinnamon roll but I had patrol since I didn't want another one of my family members kidnapped again.

After showering and eating the 'most important meal of the day'. I went to put my Ninja Gi on and went to the small HQ I had in my house. Yes, I said it, I got a small sercurity base since I can't always go to the monastery everyday. (Blame my sister for gettting worried about me killing my 'baby legs' every patrol day just to get small amount of information.)

"Morning, Lloyd." Greeted Pixal when I turned on my screen.

"Morning Pix. What's the route today?" I asked while sipping on my hot chocolate.

"Today your patrol route is in the far east. A bit farther from the monastery this time. We want to stretch out our routes ever since the incident." She informed me as I nodded.

"Agreed. After what happend to Adam and Emma, I can understand the stress and anxiety Cole and (N/N) are feeling right now. It's better if we do new patterns so we can look at every part of the city. No one else is getting taken away." I stated.

"Indeed. If you are ready. You may start now. I've already downloaded the route to your small cell. If not, then I reccomend starting in a few hours." Finished Pixal.

"No it's fine. I'll do it now so I won't get tired. I'm expected to see the kids this evening to say hi. And plus, I'm bored and unfortunately awake. So what else can I do to be honest." I joked with a small tired smile.

She returned it before talking, "Alright. I'll be on standby if you need anything."

"Yep. Thanks again Pixal! See you soon." I finished our conversation as I immediately went to go on patrol.

*A small little timeskip because this author is lazy person.*

After running around back and forth on the roof buildings, I came to a conclusion that nothing bad is happening and decided to take a small break.

It was silent for a seconds before I heard something vibrating on me, it was my cell as I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hey Uncle Lloyd!" I got extremely happy hearing my sister's kids voices.

"Hey you two! How did you get my personal cell? Only my sister and the team knows this number." I asked.

"We borrowed mom's emergency tablet for security!" Answered Adam.

"Isn't that stealing...?" I wasn't sure on how they got (Y/N)'s tablet without her noticing but hey, they are Cole and her's kids...

"Not really, she left it on the small table we have for drinks and snacks for movie nights." Clarified Emma.

"Still sharp and smart as ever Ems. It's nice to hear your voices after a hard patrol." I sighed.

"Glad to help uncle! So you still up coming by this evening? Mom was going to make your fav: pillow mint chocolate cookies! Red flavoured!" Adam told me making me already fantisize the food.

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