Avalanche of Feelings (2)

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I was already done with my classes this day so I planned on going to Hanzo's last class. Who knows? I might find a clue if he has someone he likes. And if not, I might actually meet her in person.

But as I made a turn just at the staircase, I suddenly came to a stop when I saw two familiar figures just behind the stairs near the emergency exit. There was no enough light to see who they were but just by their body build and of course, hairstyle, I knew for sure that I knew them. Their silhouettes can be seen clearly but would be unnoticeable since the corner they were standing on was not something worth looking at.

They were of almost the same height, just about 10 cm taller than I was. One guy was leaning on his back over the wall while the other one was hovering over him.

Was it a fight? Should I go and call a professor or probably the guards? I was about to do so but I flinched when the guy stepped closer and closed the gap between them.

I immediately felt my cheeks burning as I witness such a thing. And to top it all of, they were both guys! I mean, I don't mind that fact but to really witness it right before my eyes were more than shocking. Plus, why were they doing it inside the campus! They'll get caught if they become careless!

But wait, just a minute. Like I said, they looked familiar. The two of them turned their gaze in my direction and out of impulse, I immediately hid. I wanted to run, actually, but how can I do that when my feet were wobbling? One wrong step and I'll fall into the world of embarrassment. I don't want that ever! I was still a freshman in college and it would be intolerable if I create such an embarrassing moment for myself.

"Don't tell anyone about it."

Hearing that voice made me turn to the guy speaking to me. I wanted to think that I was wrong with my speculations but with Hanzo standing before me, my doubt crumbled to dust.

And from there, I also saw Hayabusa emerge and left without saying a word. My mind was filled with questions but I was dang speechless! I mean, I knew that Hayabusa and Hanzo had known each other for years and they might not get along with each other...

My train of thoughts was suddenly suspended. Was it a pretense? Were they pretending to not be in good terms to cover the fact that they were actually... actually... lovers?

"You have a really stupid look on your face." Hanzo flicked my forehead, hard enough for me to yelp in pain.

Still, it didn't shake away the scene I had just witnessed.

"Why are you still here, anyway? If I remember correctly, you're done for today," he asked. He put both of his hands inside his pockets which seemed like a gesture of hiding something.

Did that mean that he doesn't want to talk about his relationship even though I already found out?

"I came to check on you but..."

I couldn't finish my statement. I couldn't believe that my first love was actually in love with another man. The corners of my lips slowly curved down as tears filled my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I cried. If he told me earlier, I could have supported him instead of falling for him. How was I supposed to act after this shocking discovery?

(A/N: Sorry for the slow updates. I'm kinda having some writer's block but I'll still try my best to update as soon as I can. Do enjoy reading.)

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