Avalanche of Feelings (12)

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Just as Gusion and I planned, we were going to see the movie together. As we walked down the hallway, I saw Hanzo. Our eyes met and I was immediately ticked off when he scoffed before turning his back on me.

Damn him!

"Since you have the tickets, the food will be my treat. How about that?" Gusion suggested.

"That's a good idea. By the way, let's talk about that when we're in the cinema, we're still 20 minutes away," I giggled.

Gusion had been a classmate of mine before in one or two of my subjects but we never really interacted much. I first thought he was the snobbish, pretty boy but I guess I was wrong in that part.

When we got on the bus, Gusion suddenly asked something.

"Is there something between you and Hanzo?"

His tone was low and I could feel that he was not joking. It was a serious question. He was even looking at the entrance of the campus. I looked across us and saw Hanzo by the gates. He just stood there and never looked in our direction.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a giggle and even hit him on the arm. "We're cousins so there is definitely nothing going on."

Gusion looked at me and smirked. The looks in his eyes told me that he didn't believe any word I just said. It was as if I was just a transparent glass he could see through.

"If you're uncomfortable talking about it, I won't force you to say anything. But if you feel like talking to someone, I'd be available," he said.

He looked away once more and added, "Always."

Well, I was flattered at his offer. Not only did he pressed on that issue but he somehow comforted me. And to change the subject, I asked him what got him into anime.

But all he replied was because there was this anime character that looked like him—cool, awesome, and most of all, good-looking. That kind of response was just typical of him to say so I wasn't that surprised.

When we arrived at the cinema, Gusion volunteered to buy us some food so I went to our seats first. Hoping that some kind of unexpected event would happen, I checked my phone. I was disappointed because there was no single text or missed call from Hanzo. Was he really serious about pushing Gusion and I together?

I heaved out a sigh and shook my head as I plunged my phone back into my bag. No, I shouldn't feel down right now. I came here to see the movie, not because I was expecting Hanzo to get jealous because I was hanging out with some guy.

When Gusion came, he handed me the large-sized popcorn and a cola drink. Okay, I like this guy now but not in a romantic way, of course.

"I didn't expect for you to be into anime, Hanabi. I thought you were the kind of girl who'd be head over heels on Hollywood movies or K-pop idols," he suddenly commented out of the blue.

"I do give off that kind of impression," I responded.

As the movie started, we both focused our attention on it. We were so engrossed but I was distracted when Gusion suddenly leaned towards me.

"Your phone's been vibrating for a while," he whispered.

His breath touched my ear that I immediately pushed his face away from me before fishing out my phone from my bag. I received about 20 missed calls from my mom. I wonder what was up because she seldom calls me this much.

My phone vibrated again, so I told Gusion that I'd just answer it and come back later. I got out of the theater and answered the call.

"Mom, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Yes, there seems to be something wrong with you right now," she replied. Okay, that was weird because I knew better than anyone that I was perfectly fine. "Where are you right now? Why are you on a date on such a day?"

How did she even find out?


Omg! Don't tell me Hanzo busted this to her?! That damn jerk! This was his idea all along!

"Mom, I'm already at the age to be legally dating someone. What's wrong with that?" I complained. Duh, this couldn't have happened if Hanzo didn't tempt me!

"There is nothing wrong with you dating someone but it is definitely wrong with you dating on the day that Hanzo is leaving! You could see him off first before going on a date, Hanabi. Who knows how long he'd be staying in Finland?"

Mom's word echoed in my mind. My tongue had gone numb and I could hear her still lecturing me, but I couldn't make out the words she was saying. I was shocked, more than shocked even.

Don't tell me that Hanzo pushed me on this date so I wouldn't be able to see him off?

How cruel.

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