In Your Arms(Gusion|Guinevere)

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"We can't defeat them, Gus," Guinevere cried, her body covered with bruises.

Gusion cupped her cheeks and leaned his forehead on hers.

"Please, don't shed any tears. I cannot bear to see you like that. I will protect you no matter what," Gusion said with a whisper.

The soldiers of Land of Dawn are hunting the two under the command of the Paxley and Baroque household. They had rebelled against their own families in order to be together. But is it worth fighting for?

"Guin, stay here and regain your strength. I'll hold them off for a while," Gusion added.
He kissed her on the forehead before heading out. Guinevere felt her strength being drained, she had used too much magic that it is already taking a toll on her. She could hear the fight and it pains her to hear the scream of her lover. She stood up and heads outside to fight alongside him.

"Gusion!" she yelled as she used every last ounce of her strength in hitting the soldier behind Gusion. He ran towards her to help her but his eyes widened in shock as he witnessed how a bullet was shot right at her chest. Guinevere smiled at him before she lost her last breathe. With so much rage and fury, Gusion ran towards the hiding place of Lesley. He threw his dagger right at her which the sniper barely dodged. She got slightly pierced on her leg but she didn't lose focus on Gusion who is now running towards her at lightning speed.

She firmly held her gun and pulled the trigger, shotting him right on his chest before Gusion could strike her with a dagger.

"You cheater," Lesley whispered as tears fall down on her cheeks.

"How could you?" Gusion whispered.

"You betrayed me," Lesley replied. "I am willing to let you go yet you chose to fool me and went with Guinevere. You even framed the Vance household. I do love you but you don't deserve my mercy."

Lesley turned her back and walked away from her ex-lover's dying body.

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