Hooked (Granger|Silvanna)

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(A/N: You can listen to Why Don't We's song entitled Hooked as you read the story.)

They said that every bad girl, there would be that one guy who shall break the walls they built around them.

Well, I think that is not the case in my situation.

"Run!" Silvanna exclaimed as she grabbed my arm. With her sudden pull, I stood up from my seat and we both ran out from the pub where a group of men were running after us. It was already night time yet the city lights were painting the city aesthetically.

As we run farther, I felt the grip of Silvanna on my hand getting tighter. When we reached the large and long bridge, I stopped and grabbed her so she won't run further. I let go of her before jumping off and safely landed by the riverbank. As she looked down, I motioned her to jump as well with my arms outstretched so I could catch her.

"Here I am!" she exclaimed like a crazy lunatic and I just caught her in my arms. She gave me her smile that almost swept me off my feet if only I was not immune.

I met her just a year ago at the same pub where we just ran away from. I thought she was the quiet and conservative type of girl when I first saw her seating alone yet when she approached me, I knew she was the bad girl type. She tempts other men with her lioness attitude yet if she was messed up with, she becomes as crazy as a lunatic. She was known to be a rule breaker and a rebellious woman. That is the reason why people around me kept saying that I should just leave her alone.

I don't know why but she got to drawn me towards her like a magnet.

"Hey, Granger, want to go for another drink?" she asked.

I smirked as I clipped some locks of her hair behind her ear and replied, "You drank enough."

She smiled at me again with her eyes staring back at mine yet it just happened for a few seconds. She looked away as if she was afraid that I could see her soft side.

Clicking her tongue, she said, "You're such a softie. You cannot even put up a fight with another man."

She suddenly lied down on her back and with her arms as a pillow, she looked up at the starry sky with her legs crossed. I remained sitting for I am afraid that she would notice that I like her. Especially that she told me if she ever finds out that I like her romantically, she would walk away from me and that was something I do not want to happen.

"Granger, you like me, don't you?" she suddenly asked which almost choked me on my own. I just said that I don't want her to know about that fact but why did she ask?

"Didn't I tell you not to fall for me?" she added. I scoffed before looking away, fixing my gaze at the river.

"Why would I fall in love with you?" I lied and really, I wanted her to bite that bait.

"You suck at lying, really. A sane man cannot tolerate someone like me and would leave me alone. Unless he holds special feelings towards me," she stated which was a bit unexpected. She was never the type to speak of something like this.

If I remember it right, she hated conversations like this. But why is she suddenly saying such things? Nevertheless, I stood quiet.

"Since you made a pass on the alcohol, how about we go for a drive?"

I looked behind and our gaze met. Her smirk was plastered on her lips and somehow, I had a bad feeling about how she smiled. But I cannot say no to her so we walked towards my apartment which was nearby. I opened the door towards the driver's seat yet I felt Silvanna held me by the shoulder.

"Let me drive," she said which truly confirmed the bad feeling I had back then. I shook my head and replied,

"No, you might do something crazy."

I was about to get inside but she grabbed me by the arm. Before I knew it, her lips touched mine which froze me in place.

Wide-eyed, I stared at her and her victorious smile curved on her lips before she got inside the driver's seat. I was just there outside, shocked, and unable to move.

"Let's get going, Grangy," she said . I heaved a sigh before going on the other side. I hope nothing happens.

Upon the click of my seatbelt, I thought my soul had left me within a millisecond when she revved up without even saying anything.

"Slow down, slow down," I told her while trying to take over the wheel but she suddenly made a sharp turn. And yes, she laughed out loud like crazy. And when we were in the highway, she went full speed and drove past other cars. Okay, this was definitely not the drive I expected from her. Oh gods.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw my father calling.

"I saw your car leaving the subdivision. We have an important meeting tomorrow, get back home before you regret it," he threatened before hanging up. I had never spoken a word yet Silvanna suddenly stepped on the brake and it felt like my head had almost been cut off.

"You're being summoned?" she asked. I gave her a small nod. I don't want to assume things but I thought I had seen a glimpse of sadness in her eyes which she immediately brushed off.

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