Into the Real World 5(Alucard|GirlReader)

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You hauled the piles of clothes on the sofa and packed them all inside your closet while Alucard watches you going crazy.

"The trash, the trash," you said to yourself as you grab the garbage bin full of instant foods which your mother forbid you to eat.

"You stay here for a while, I will just take out the trash," you said to Alucard before leaving. As you take the elevator, you enumerated the things you have to do before your mom arrives.

"Ack! I haven't washed the dishes yet," you mumbled to yourself. When you saw the trash bin outside the building of your apartment, you threw the black bag of trash right in it before rushing back in your room.

"What is going on?" Alucard asked when you entered.

"I have to fix everything before mom arrives," you replied immediately before getting your materials and started sweeping off the floor.

"Should I help?" he offered but you shook your head in disagreement. After sweeping the dusts away, you went to the sink and almost slapped yourself for you have piled used dishes after dishes.

"Just sit there and behave," you said to him and started washing. For an hour, you made sure everything has been taken care of. You wiped off your forehead after finishing wiping your once dusty window.

But your heart almost escaped from your chest when you saw the car of your mom parking in front of the building.

"She's here!" you squealed. You looked around, double checking if there are things that are yet to be taken care of.

"Okay, it's fine now," you said proudly to yourself dor you almost made your apartment sparkly within just an hour. You even patted your shoulder for a job well done.

"Are you done?" Alucard asked and you nodded with a smirk on your lips.
You heard the doorbell rings so you headed to the door and was about to open it but you stopped. You looked back and saw Alucard casually sitting by the sofa.

You turned back and tripped on your foot resulting to a loud thud.

"Ow, ow, ow," you groaned as you stand back up and slowly walked towards Alucard.

The doorbell keeps on ringing so you grabbed and forced him to hide in the closet.

"I'd die even before we find about the mystery so no," Alucard retaliated so you shoot him a death glare.

"If mom sees you, she'll get mad and kill me instead," you stated with gritted teeth.

"It's either we both die or you die," he insists.

Your phone rings and upon seeing the name of the caller, the pressure heightens.

"No one will die so just go in there for a few minutes and everything will be over," you demanded and luckily, Alucard agreed so he folded his knees as you close the closet.

"You should just tell her that we're together," he said with a grin.

"No way!" you disagreed.

"You have no single romantic cell in you, so boring," you heard him mumble and you can't help it but roll your eyes and click your tongue.

You ran towards the door opened it, your mom glaring at you while holding a huge bag which is probably the packed lunch that Liliana mentioned in the call.

"Mom!" you exclaimed, pretending to be surprised. "Why didn't you call me earlier about your visit?"

You took the bag from her and let her in. You both settled in the kitchen which is a bit of relief for your mother not to feel the presence of Alucard.

Not just the unending nagging of your mother that is scary but also her keen senses.

"Your place looks cleaner than I thought," she commented, "By the way, those are for you. I won't be staying here for long since I still have some business to take care of."

"Mom, you should tell me firsthand about your visit so I could at least cook for you," you stated which is actually has a double purpose; so you could cook and of course, clean everything without being in a hurry.

Your mom did not say anything, instead she stood up and looked around as if investigating something. You gulped as you watch her enter your room. You slowly followed her and you almost got a heart attack when she held the door of your closet.
"Mom," you called out so she turned to you.

You did your utmost best to act normal as your eyes met with the gaze of Alucard for your mother had actually opened the closet.

"What is it, honey?" she asked you and is about to look inside the closet so you trotted towards her and closed it yourself. It's a good thing she didn't look inside or else you and Alucard are both dead.

"I was planning to visit Liliana this weekend," you replied which carved a smile on her lips.

"That's a good idea, she misses you so much," she responded as she hugs you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around her as well.

"I have to get going. Take care of yourself well, okay?" she said and is about to leave your room but her gaze is focused on the big sword lying beside your bed.

"What is that? When did you become a collector of such thing?" she asked and you weren't able to stop her from touching it.

"That is just a prop for the play," you lied but it seems to be not convincing at all.

"This is a real sword, you could get hurt," your mom said and when she tried to lift it, it was too heavy so she lets it be. "Plus, you are not interested in stage plays.

"It was used to be covered in dust so I was tasked to clean it since I have a bit of time to spare," you responded.

"You better not be lying, Vienn, or you'll have to face the consequences," your mom warned and all you could do is nod in response. She stands up and leaves your room without asking anymore questions.

You let out a sigh of relief before going after her and accompanying her outside your apartment.

"Drive safely," you said while waving goodbye to your mom. When she is already out of sight, you went back to your apartment and found Alucard eating by the counter.

"Your mom cooks the best dishes," he commented, "Though I ain't sure what you call these foods."

"We should go and shop more clothes for you. We will visit my sister this Saturday," you said as you join her on the counter.

"Furthermore, Harith is with her," you added.

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