Sadistic Mentor 3

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Even before the sun had risen on the east, Hanabi is already up and getting ready for her first day of work in the company. She wears her white white, plain blouse and topped it with the light blue blazer. She paired it with a skirt that falls down to her knees and to make her more decent, she tied her long hair in a ponytail.

After such, she sat down in front of her desk and looked at her reflection. She applies light make-up and only a light pink lip tint. According to her research the other night, it is best to look simple yet elegant when in your workplace.

"And I must endure that bastard for the whole day so he could give me some money to buy a dress for tonight's party," she told herself after getting ready. She turned around and felt satisfied with her get up. She, then, grabbed her bag and headed to the company.

Feeling proud of her simple accomplishment, Hanabi entered in Hanzo's office with her head held high.

"Tell me, what am I going to do for my first day of work?" she asked upon seating on the chair just in front of his desk. Hanzo looked at his watch first before gazing up to the daughter of his boss.

"Why did you even bother coming here?" he asked in return, his stare was piercing which Hanabi did not even prepare for.

She gulped and replied, "I came to work, obviously."

She looked away, not wanting to look like a stupid fool in front of the guy she dislikes the most.

"Go home," Hanzo frankly said before getting the signed documents from his table and is about to walk out from his office but Hanabi called him out.

"What the heck is your problem?!" she yelled, her cheeks turning red for she has never been humiliated by one person countless times.

"I woke up early and came dressed up decently and this is how you treat me?! That is nothing but pure insolence! Just because you hold my expenses does not mean you could disgrace me!" she added but instead of an apology, Hanzo scoffed before he eyed her from head to toe.

"So you want me to compliment you for that? If such simple thing is so much of a big deal for you, then you must leave and reflect on your actions. In this building, in this company are employees doing what you did every single day but do you know the difference?"

He threw a question at her instead of answering the question of Hanabi. Unable to comprehend what he meant, Hanabi remained quiet and once again her heart almost did a backflip when Hanzo took steps towards her. Everytime he does that, she knew trouble would come after so she ran to the opposite side, away from him and away from the trouble he brings.

"I asked you a question," he stated and as he walks towards her, Hanabi runs around the office to keep their distance.

"How am I supposed to know? All I know is that I am the next president of this company and if that happened, you are going to lose your job immediately!" Hanabi claimed.

No matter how she looked at the situation, she is like a trapped mouse inside a cat's den and such idea infuriates her. Plus, her efforts had been trampled on.

Hanzo stopped from his tracks which gave a short relief for Hanabi. His sharp gaze from behind his glasses did not make her feel afraid anymore.

"An airhead like you will remain ignorant if you could not even differentiate simple things," Hanzo finally spoke for he could no longer lengthen his patience. He stretched out his hand, his silver watch gleamed under the sun's rays.

"Look at the time," he added and being carried away with his trap, Hanabi took careful steps towards him, wary of what he is planning. When she is near enough, she peeked at his watch.

"It's 11:50 already. Almost time for lunch," she replied and with a scoff, she added, "Where did you get the courage to buy a watch when you cannot even read it."

With her guard lowered, Hanzo grabbed her arm and dragged her out from his office. Upon closing the doors behind them, the working staffs of the company each assigned to their small workplace greeted them.

"Who saw this woman enter in my office?" he announced which temporarily stopped everyone from their work. Responding to his question, most of the employees raised their hands like students reacting to the question of an authoritarian professor.

Hanzo pushed Hanabi forward, her cheeks now beet red in embarrassment despite the fact that she should be looked up to for being the CEO's daughter. She lowered her head, wishing that everything would end right away and stop her from being shamed.

"This ignorant fool does not even know what mistake she made as employee of this company. Tell her what her mistake is and do escort her out from the building," Hanzo claimed before leaving Hanabi behind who has her hands clasped together and her eyes focused on the floor.

Everyone is quiet as they hear the footsteps of Hanzo gradually becoming inaudible. Everyone went back to work, not wanting to oblige at his demand for they are afraid of Hanabi especially when she is outraged.

Still, Kimmy gathered her courage and got up from her seat. She struts her way towards the dumbfounded Hanabi and flashed a smile at her.

"Hanzo is harsh, everyone in here knows that. Sorry for what he did just now, he just can't tolerate those who are late at work," she stated with a calm voice, making sure that her effort won't be misunderstood as another pile of humiliation. But instead of receiving gratitude, Kimmy got caught up in another Hanabi's mad day.

"Then, tell him to freaking tell me such stupid little thing!" she yelled with her eyes glaring at Kimmy. She passed by her and even hit her on the shoulders.

Kimmy scoffed in disbelief and as she watch her leave, she stated, "Still an ungrateful, spoiled brat."

To make herself better, Hanabi headed to her favorite pub and ordered few bottles of alcohol to drown herself out from the embarrassment she received. She lowered her head at her arms on top of the table and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep her tears from falling. She kept weeping as if she had lost something as she drink directly on the bottle of alcohol and such behavior caught someone's attention.

"I thought you are going to attend to Odette's party tonight," a familiar voice stated and when Hanabi looked across her, she wept even more for she is uet again reminded of the fact that the day is just harsh on her. Not only is she stepped on but she cannot also attend the party hosted by a celebrity.

Wanting to comfort her, he wiped off her tears with the back of his hand and asked, "What made such a beautiful lady cry?"

"Why are you here again? And who are you?" she asked, her tears still welling up in her eyes. The newcomer grabbed the bottle away from her grasp and took her by the hand. He lowered his lips and kissed the back of her hand before gazing back at her.

"I'm Hayabusa, at your service," he replied with a smile and somehow, it comforted Hanabi and lifted her spirit again. And by that being said, she took her hand back and rolled her eyes.

"Flirty guy," she commented before grabbing her bottle and took another gulp of alcohol.

"Say, would you go to the party as my partner?" Hayabusa asked and just like what he wanted, Hanabi stared at him with the eyes that seems to answer 'yes.'

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