Sadistic Mentor 4

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Hayabusa took Hanabi in a beauty parlor and had her be taken care of. After such, they both headed in a boutique to buy her a dress.

"Do choose a dress that makes her beauty stand out," Hayabusa said to the saleslady while Hanabi is busy looking at the dresses. He approached her which gave Hanabi the chance to tell him about her problem.

"I don't have enough money to buy a dress though," she stated which gave Hayabusa a victorious smirk.

"It's on me," he said as he pushes Hanabi towards the fitting room where a black, long dress is waiting to be tried on.

While she is inside the fitting room, Hayabusa talked with the saleslady, confusion plastered on his face.

"Why a black dress?" he asked.

The saleslady confidently replied, "She has a porcelain-like skin tone. With a contrasting color with the dress, her complexion will stand out. In addition, her natural make-up won't be overshadowed."

Hayabusa simply nodded in response and when Hanabi opened the door and stepped out from the closed room, his eyes widened for his expectations has been betrayed.

"Perfection," he mumbled and with his reaction, Hanabi knew it will be a great night that shall bury the bad experience she had just this morning.

The two drove to the venue where a red carpet has been laid on the floor and a wave of reporters are waiting by the entrance to capture the moments and the attendees of Odette's party.

Hayabusa stepped out first and a chaperone waiting outside had opened the door for Hanabi. Aside from the flashing cameras and countless questions thrown at her, Hanabi has been greeted by Hayabusa's hand which she gladly accepted. Though it was a bullet plan, she did not expect that this night would be in her favor.

As they walk towards the entrance, they both halted for a while to have their pictures taken as if they are Hollywood celebrities.

"I didn't expect that even the media would swoon over you," Hayabusa whispered which made her smile, contented and proud.

"Let's get inside," she simply responded but she is a bit taken aback when Hayabusa's gaze is glued at the white care that just arrived. She didn't hurry to enter the venue, she waited for the person inside the car to get outside for her curiosity is killing her.

When the door is opened, a dark-haired girl stepped out together with another man. She is wearing a pale blue dress that goes really well with the color of her hair. Hanabi saw Hayabusa's pained expression which led her to the conclusion that maybe, that woman is someone special to him.

He had made her attend the party and even bought a dress for her so Hanabi would not like it if Hayabusa would not enjoy the night. So she had their hands intertwined and led him inside instead of letting him stare at someone with a pained heart.

"Hanabi! Just as expected, you always get the spotlight in every party," Odette commented and jokingly rolled her eyes. "I hosted this one but the people still look at your way."

"I am more than grateful to be invited. By the way, this is my escort for the night, Hayabusa," she responded which made the host smirk from ear to ear.

"Who would have thought you're into hot models," Odette giggled which made Hanabi's eyebrow raised at Hayabusa who only shrugged his shoulder at her when their gaze met.

Odette left them after a while to entertain her other guests, giving them a chance to talk.

Hanabi sipped some wine before asking about Hayabusa's work.

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