Love Story(Cecilion|Carmilla Version)

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"We were both adults when I first saw you,
I close my eyes, and the music starts,
You're standing there,
On a stage in winter air,
See the lights, hear the music, the ball gowns,
See you make your way to the stage,
And smiled at me,
Little did I know."

"Hi," Cecilion greeted his stunning guest who waited for him backstage right after his performance. He had met quite a lot of high class women with great beauty as well, but that night was different.

Carmilla smiled at him sweetly, feeling a bit shy while sitting down on a comfy chair in front of the lit-up mirror.

Cecilion, being a gentleman as he is, sits across her and initiated their conversation.

"I have seen you in every performance I had. I highly think the music and the song is to your liking," he said with a soothing voice.

Carmilla started to feel relaxed as Cecilion keeps on talking to her despite her being quiet and only responds with a smile.

"I..." she stammers which gave a sign to the man to let her speak up.

"I like to go to your concerts, not just because of the music or the song but because I also like the person who makes and sings it," Carmilla confessed with blushing cheeks.

She looks down, feeling a bit embarassed for this is her very first confession. The atmosphere suddenly felt hot for her and the silence made her feel sad somehow since Cecilion is saying nothing.

"That's so brave of you to come and say those words directly to me," the man said after a while.

Carmilla clasped her hands together, bracing herself to get rejected. She lets out an exhale before courageously lifting her head so she could see him eye to eye. His smile was sweet, his eyes seem to sparkle like the twinkling stars at night. He reaches out his hands and touched hers.

"I do feel the same way as you, Carmilla," he said which brought her to another level of happiness. Her heart fluttered in joy that she does not know how to express her feelings. She pursed her lips and gathered her strength just to wrap her arms around him.

Cecilion did the same. But Carmilla noticed something, his complexion is a bit pale and he felt unusually cold. She wanted to ask but they just got together and asking him such sensitive questions might only ruin their relationship.

"That you were Cecilion, you were a vampire,
And my daddy said to stay away from you,
And I was crying on the staircase,
Begging him to let you stay, and I said,
'Cecilion, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run,
You'll be the duke, and I'll be the duchess,
It's a love story, baby just say yes."

"You are not going to meet that beast ever again!!" her father yelled at her. He slammed the door shut and as Carmilla run and tried to open them, it won't open.

Her father had found out about her relationship with Cecilion and he had told her about his origin, that he is a vampire, a bloodsucking beast.

But she does not give a damn about his origin, Cecilion is Cecilion even if he's a vampire or a human. He has showered her with love and care that she has been longing for a long time. What he is is not a big deal, he has the heart to love her and all she could do in return is to love him back with all of what she got.

Carmilla ran towards her balcony and looked down, her room is located at the higher floor of the mansion and it would kill her if she jumps off. She has to make a way, she has to see Cecilion that night for she had given him her promise.

"So I sneak out from my room to see you,
I kept quiet, but I heard your scream there,
I closed my eyes,
Hoping and praying this is just a dream."


Carmilla's scream echoed throughout the town as she witness her lover cry out in agony. He was there, right on the entrance of their mansion. He was surrounded by people looking up to him.

Her father was holding a torch with fire, he was shouting at his people who praised him. Cecilion was on the podium, not because he is to perform. His hands were tied from behind, his ankles were tightly tied and around him were easily burned woods.

The blazing fire had reached his body, devouring him mercilessly, ignoring his screams of pain.

Carmilla ran towards him, her bare feet stepping onto the hard ground but she paid no attention to it. Her eyes were glued on her lover, on her dying lover.

"Seize her!" her father commanded and before Carmilla could even reach the podium, the soldiers held her down. With their heavy shields, they pushed her down on the ground. Their spears pointed at her.

"Cecilion! I'm sorry!" She screamed so loud, her voice breaking in pain, her heart shattering into pieces.

When her gaze met with Cecilion's, a small smile was formed on his lips and whispered something she had ever loved hearing from him.

"I love you forevermore," he said before the raging fire consumed his entirety.

"It's not a love story, it's a tragedy," Carmilla cried out.

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