Avalanche of Feelings 15

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After work, I decided to return home instead of going to my apartment. It's been a while since I ate dinner with both mom and Aunt Myrna.

Upon reaching home, dinner was already served and as we dine together, I once again announced my schedule for the next two weeks. Though Aunt Myrna congratulated me with a smile, I somehow saw a hint of sadness that she seemed to be hiding. Could it be that she wanted to tell me something? Was it something related to Hanzo?

And so, when mom left the dining room to answer a call, I initiated to speak to her.

"Since I'm heading to Finland, do you have something to give to Hanzo? I'll give it to him for you," I offered.

Though I didn't have plans to see him again, it'll be a different story if we're talking about my aunt here. But out of nowhere, she covered her mouth as she looked down. I heard a sob came from her. I was shocked, of course.

I wrapped my arms around her and caressed her hair for comfort.

"You really missed him," I said.

I thought that was the only case. I thought that she simply longed for the son she had taken care of. But those thoughts went down the drain when my aunt made a shocking confession.

"I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know where I was lacking in raising him. Hanzo... oh my precious son. He... He cut all ties from me, Hanabi. He even had his name changed back."

My aunt tightened her hug around me as I felt her tears damping my clothes. I didn't know what to say. I was just damn speechless about what I just heard. How could he? How could he do this to the person who adopted him? Had he been this heartless? Or were we too blind to truly see who he was?

I couldn't sleep that night, all I know that there was something raging in fury inside me. First, he did not only leave the town but went somewhere far away. And now, I just heard that he had cut his tie from my aunt. How selfish can he be?

Now, I wanted to see him there in Finland. Not for a reunion but to give him a good beating!

When the day arrived for us to depart, I bid goodbye to my mother before heading to the airport. Our team consisted of Gusion, Granger, Silvanna, Lesley, and me.

"We're heading to the country where Hanzo is currently working, are you planning to meet up with him?" Gusion asked.

He was just seated beside me and upon hearing the name of that bastard, my angry mode was turned on.

"Yes, I'm thinking of having a really memorable reunion," I replied.

In my peripheral view, I can see Gusion staring at me. I turned my head and flashed him a smile before asking if something was wrong.

He returned a sweet smile and replied, "You said memorable but all I could see on your expression is anger. I guess you haven't totally eradicated your feelings towards him."

I scoffed as I look out of the window and stared at the sea of clouds. Feelings, fuck that shit. After seeing how my aunt cried that night, it broke my heart that it was more painful than the time Hanzo left. And I won't just forgive him after what he did.


Gusion was whispering that it made me curious about what he was up to so I turned my attention to him. He brought out a small, red box and smiled at me wide.

My mouth opened in an 'O' shape when he opened it. It was a diamond ring.

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