Into the World 10: What's Thy Fate?

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Vienn stared at her phone when Kian suddenly ended their call.

"Is something the matter?" Alucard asked as he sets his sword aside, a weapon that he longs to use again battle.

"Kian just called and it's a bit weird," Vienn responded as she tries to think over the reasons why he called her out of nowhere.

She simply shrugged it off and went back to her computer, trying to send an email to the nearest astronomical laboratory in the city.

Alucard suddenly felt the urge to look at the time left for them to finish the quest imprinted on the wrist of Vienn. He stood up and grabs her hand which triggered the girl's angry button.

"Don't touch me!" she bursts which immediately made Alucard step back and raise both of his arms in surrender.

"I was just trying to check on the time we have before the quest ends," he stated with a low tone of voice, his eyes reflecting the innocent eyes of a puppy.

Vienn sighed to exhale the anger that had been built within her. She stared down on her wrist and she narrows her sight on the numbers inscribed on her wrist. She rubs both of her eyes for she might be seeing it wrong but when she looked at it again, her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her from her mouth.

"Why are you looking like an idiot?" Alucard clicked his tongue and walked towards her. He peeks on her arm and he couldn't believe his eyes either.

"Why is it only 24 hours?" he asked in confusion, his eyes meeting the gaze of the human girl who is supposed to bring him back to the Land of Dawn.

Vienn was tongue-tied for she doesn't know the answer as well. She is as puzzled as Alucard is.

"Failing to complete the game within the span of one year would result to the death of the hero and the human."

Layla's message kept replaying in Vienn's head. She kept hearing it endlessly as if she is stuck inside her own mind. Cold sweat starts to drown her but Alucard held her almost cold hand. His warmth seems to keep her from going crazy.

"That call from Kian, something must have happened," he stated as his grip on her hand tightens for he, himself, is starting to feel uneasy.

"We..." Vienn gulped, trying her hardest to pull herself together for her and for Alucard's sake. They have to work together and solve this mystery within the span of twenty-four hours.

"We must go and see Kian," she stated and they both rushed out from her apartment.

Vienn dialed Kian's number as she starts the engine of her car. Alucard is just beside her, though he looks calm from the outside, Vienn could still sense his nervousness.

"Vienn? What did you call for?" Kian asked upon answering the call.

"Kian, where are you right now? I want to speak to you," she responded.

"I'm in school for training," Kian replied and without anything else, Vienn ended the call and had her car at full speed.

"I..." she breathed, unsure if she is going to continue her statement. She gulped and tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"I shall bring you back to the Land of Dawn," she promised, not wanting Alucard to feel hopeless in returning in his home.

"That sounds better," Alucard speaks yet his uneasiness still lingers around. But showing such negative feeling would only make Vienn freak out and she might not think straight.

Upon parking her car outside the campus, Vienn ran towards the gymnasium with Alucard following her.

"Kian!" Vienn shouted which halted everyone from their training, their eyes set on her as she walks down from the benches and pulled Kian away from everyone's sight.

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