Sadistic Mentor 6

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The next day, Hanabi did not wake up early like she did the other day. Instead of wearing her suit, she grabbed and wore her black crop top with long sleeves and is also an off-shoulder. She paired it with a short, denim skirt and a pair of converse.

After what happened with Kagura and Hanzo, she lost her motivation in learning from her so-called mentor. She, then, took her black purse before leaving her apartment and headed to the office.

Upon her appearance, everyone shifted their gaze at her and Miya brushed her hands on her face because she knew too well that another fight with Hanzo would commence just by looking at her get up.

Hanabi kicked the doors in entering Hanzo's office and just like she had expected, Kagura is already there as well. She raised her eyebrow upon seeing her wearing a pair of pale blue suit and is wearing a stiletto. But she simply rolled her eyes and strutted towards Hanzo.

Before a word could escape from the mouth of the two employees, Hanabi snatched Hanzo's phone which was just lying on top of his desk and fortunately, it doesn't have any password.

"Give that back," Hanzo demanded, his gaze piercing through her but Hanabi simply scoffed and when she saw him stand, she immediately ran out from the office.

"Take these documents in the office of the CEO for the signature," Hanzo instructed before going after Hanabi.

While he looks around the building, Hanabi is currently at the emergency exit, shuffling over Hanzo's phone.

"Damn it, he put a password on the transfer account," she cursed under her breath. She no longer has enough money for her expenses for the whole week so she needed to transfer money into her account. She kept inputting passwords that could possibly open the transfer of money but it keeps getting rejected.

With her focus fully immersed in trying to unlock it, she did not notice the presence of Hanzo behind her, watching her struggle and listen to her bickering.

"Keep doing that and your money will freeze for a month," Hanzo stated which almost made Hanabi drop his phone.

She scooted away and clutched at the phone with both hands.

"Give me my daily allowance. I am short in money," she stated, her body still ready to run away if Hanzo would not comply with her stipulations.

Hanzo scoffed before stepping down from the stairs to get his phone back. But he stopped on his tracks when Hanabi threatened to let go of his phone and let it fall from the fifth floor.

Seeing his flustered reaction, Hanabi's victorious smirk slowly crept on the edge of her lips.

"Do that and you'll never receive anything from me," Hanzo gritted, his patience almost on the verge of snapping.

But instead of cowering over his threat, Hanabi still got the guts to joke around.

"Oh, I'm so scared," she mumbled while making a funny face which ticked Hanzo off. "Give me some money and we won't have any more problem with each other."

Out of words, Hanzo simply stared at her, thinking of a way to fool the hard-headed daughter of his boss.

"Fine," he finally said as he stretched out his arm. Hanabi's forehead creased in confusion, unable to understand what he meant by it.

"Fingerprint," he simply responded so Hanabi nodded but she flashed a devious smile at him before running down the stairs.

"You can't fool me," she said with her eyes focused on the way and her heart skipped a beat upon hearing Hanzo's footsteps coming near her. "I'll have the password removed!"

"Don't you dare!" Hanzo yelled in fury.

"I dare to!" Hanabi responded as they reach the lobby, still running and catching the attention of the people.

Hanabi yelped in shock when Hanzo almost catch her by the door if she did not duck, she is very much thankful that she wore her converse that day to be able to run away. Still running by the sidewalk, Hanzo took a shortcut to catch up with Hanabi which is unexpectedly athletic in some way.

Running out of breath, Hanabi stopped for a while to have some air and a moment of rest so she could run faster. Relief washed over her when she can no longer see Hanzo from behind.

She smiled and like a fool, she laughed while fanning her face dripping with sweat with her hand. She suddenly spread out her arms up in the air, feeling her victory against her furious mentor.

"I won!" she claimed but such ecstatic moment immediately ended when Hanzo snatched his phone away from behind.

"Not only will you not receive any money from me but you will work all day and night as compensation of being a waste of time," he stated after putting his phone at the safe pocket, Hanabi's face slowly turning grim.

But such pitiful look does not work on her mentor, he fixed his suit before passing by her to return to work but before he could take more steps away from her, Hanabi grabbed him by the arm with both hands.

"Please, give me my daily expenses. I'm already short in money and I still haven't paid rent for this month," she begged while using force in order for Hanzo not to walk further.

But instead of receiving sympathy, Hanzo slapped her hand away and stated, "That is no longer my problem. If you cannot pay rent, there is still wide streets around where you could sleep in."

He turned his back on her and is a bit relieved for she no longer did not try to stop him... or so he thought.

Hanzo almost lost his balance and is about to fall on his knees when Hanabi just jumped on his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, almost strangling him. Her bare legs also clung around his abdomen. Such action made everyone to stare at them, thinking that they are flirting with each other.

"Get off," he said with gritted teeth, trying to take off her hands from him but her grip is just too tight.

"Not going to happen unless you give me the money I need," Hanabi stated, tightening her clutch over him before he could get away.

"Fine, I'll give it. Just get off right at this moment," he hissed, his patience reaching past its limit.

"Not until you show me." Hanabi wanted to make sure he keeps his word because if she lets him go, it would be impossible to convince him in other time.

Unable to tolerate her childish play, Hanzo brought out his phone and showed her how he transferred money to her bank account. Upon seeing the confirmation, Hanabi felt happy and jumps off from him. She flipped her hair behind her with a smile on her face.

She faced Hanzo who is almost spitting fire through his nostrils and is staring daggers at her. She flashed a smile and had her shoulders move up and down in sync with her eyebrows.

"We didn't have to come to this if only you gave what I need in the very first place," she chuckled while patting his shoulder, "You are making things harder for you and me."

With a triumphant laugh, Hanabi turned on her heels and skipped away but before she left Hanzo behind, another doom came bombing her as a consequence of infuriating her mentor.

"That would be your expenses for the next two months. You can pay your rent within those months and the rest of the money is up to you to divide it for food and other necessities," Hanzo informed her.

Hanabi may have won against him in that short battle but in the war, he still hold the victory.

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