Drunken State

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"Welcome to Mobile Legends!"

"Fanny, you jungle. Harith, middle lane. Alucard, you take care of bottom lane. Granger, come with me to the top lane. Lightborn squad, GO!" Tigreal instructed and they all parted.

As the early game commenced, everyone was doing great with their roles. But then...

"Our turret is under attack!"

"What?!" Tigreal said in panic. "Alucard, what is happening there on your lane?!"

"Huh?! What the hell is wrong with this creep?!" Alucard asked with a weird tone of voice. "I just killed it, then it suddenly gives birth to a smaller creep! This is creepy!"

"What the hell is wrong with Alucard?" Granger asked.

"Don't tell me," Fanny said in surprise.

"What?!" they all asked her.

"Hey, hey, hey. These minions are wearing some weird armour! And whoah! That crab has blue gems on its back! I better carry it back home and trade it on the Jewellery Shop!" Alucard yelled.

"He's drunk! Why did you let him in when he's drunk!" Fanny yelled.

"I thought he's already sober," Granger mumbled.

"Everything lasts forever!" Alucard yelled as he jumps and attacks the minions.
"Wait, that sounds weird. Is it I last forever or we last forever?"

"Let him be for a while. Fanny, jungle first then, go to bottom lane!" Tigreal instructed.

"Roger!" Fanny replied.

Unknown to Alucard, an assassin and a tank are hiding on the bush as he playfully kill the crab.

"One shot! One kill!" Franco yelled as he released his hook.

Alucard was able to kill the crab but suddenly he laughed out loud upon seeing Franco. whose hook was a fail when he almost fall to his side.

"Hahahahaha, your hook is so rusted, fatass! Your huge stomach is even sticking out. You bearing a bearded baby?"  laughed while holding onto his abdomen. "Your beard is also curled in a weird way. You use a curler, ain't it?! And your beard is even thicker than the foam on your beer!"

"Hey, Lancelot, did this guy just insulted my hook, called me a fatass and disgraced my beard? Or am I hearing things?" Franco asked.

"No, he just insulted you," Lancelot replied.

"Oh, Lancelot," Alucard called out.

"Hey, hey, Alucard needs back up!" Tigreal claimed.

"Why do you have a low neck line for an upper garment? You don't even have boobs to show off. Your curly hair also look like a well-cooked noodle. You somehow look prettier than my girlfriend," Alucard stated.

(Miya: I am going to kill you later.)

Franco and Lancelot was about to kill him but Harith and Fanny came to the rescue.

"We can change the puncture!" Alucard yelled as he carelessly swings his sword around.

"You have slain an enemy!"

"Double kill!"

"Easy kill!" Alucard exclaimed, "Wait, why did I say puncture?"

When he looked to his left, he saw a giant blue turtle.

"Whoah, look! That is an exotic turtle!" he yelled.

"Can I kill him right now?" Fanny snarled.

"No, no, please calm down," Harith said.

"This turtle just attacked me! I will kill you!" Alucard yelled as he attacked the turtle.

"Hey, I'll help," Moskov said as he hits the turtle.

"Thanks, violet,ugly man," he said in response.

"I'm going to kill you after," Moskov mumbled.

When he thought he's going to have the last hit, Alucard jumped and plunged his sword on the turtle's neck.

"An ally has slain the turtle!"

"Wow, that's unexpected," Granger commented.

Moskov attacked Alucard but to his surprise, his damage is greater than his so he turned to save himself.

"Wait! I am attacking you while you're running away, is this possible?! How is this possible?! Ain't this incredible?" Alucard asked.

"How am I supposed to know, idiot?!" Moskov retaliated.

Before he could even enter into the range of the nearest turret, Alucard swings his sword and his life ended.

"You have slain an enemy!"

"I have slain an enemy, yeah! I have slain an enemy, yeah, yeah!" Alucard sings while dancing as he goes back to kill some creeps. On his way, he bumped into a creature walking in circles. It seems to be carrying something on his back.

With his sword, he poked the wanderer but it did not hurt him back.

"What creature are you?" he mumbled as he continuously poke it and it suddenly died. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The wandered revived and started to follow Alucard which made him panic.

"The ghost is coming after me! The ghost is coming after me!" he yelled as he tried to outrun the wanderer. But the faster he runs, the faster it crawls.

"He becomes a total idiot when drunk," Tigreal commented as he shooks his head.

Alucard saw his hp bar and it's being filled up. But then, he saw Fanny being attacked by two unidentified species.

"Don't hurt her!" he exclaimed as he jumped towards them and killed them in an instant.

"Fanny, you okay?" he asked but Fanny looked at him with a death glare. "I killed them so do not feel scared anymore."

"Uh-oh," Harith mumbled as he witnessed what Alucard has done.

"You came in drunk," Fanny said as she walks towards her comrade.

"No, no, no. I am not drunk," Alucard stated as he tried to stand straight.

"Then, you butt in and steal my buff," Fanny added. "You punk!"

"Fanny, NO!" Harith yelled as he tried to stop Fanny but he was too late.

Fanny had landed a roundhouse kick right on Alucard, knocking him out.

When Alucard woke up, he found himself lying down on a bed. He sits down and felt a sharp pain on his head.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You're finally sober," Granger said. "You just passed out after being kicked in-game."

"And you need to pay for going AFK," Fanny said as she holds her knuckles.

"No, no, NOOOOO!!!"

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