The Last Scarlet 5

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"I have told you to rest for another day," Hanzo stated for the nth time while Hanabi was behind him—leaning on his shoulder because of dizziness.

"But those ninjas won't stop until they find me," she replied with a soft tone of voice. Her fever had gone up and they were still far from the next village for her to take some bed rest and medicine.

"About this mark," Hanzo spoke, "since it somehow connects us, if you die, do I die as well?"

"Don't worry," Hanabi replied, snuggling closer because she felt colder, "I won't die on you... since I plan to live until I die of old age."

That wasn't really the answer to his question, though. And nothing in her words could be a hint of an answer, making him confused. As time ticks, Hanzo starts to feel uneasy as they walk through the unfamiliar way. With Hanabi asleep behind him, it was all up to him to confirm if there was danger lurking around.

He immediately summons his Ame no Habakiri and swings it forward, blocking the shurikens shot at them. Hayabusa and Haruka appeared up front while Kagura was behind Hanzo. The horse neighed as it raised its forelegs, causing Hanzo and Hanabi fall on the ground. He was left no choice but to fully open the soul portal to assure of their escape. The three attackers were slowed down as their energy starts to be drained into the portal. Fully opening the soul portal meant that he was using much power but he had no choice, especially that Hanabi is still unconscious.

Having the upper hand, he raised his sword and was about to stab Hayabusa but Kagura managed to block his attack with her Seimei Umbrella. Annoyed at her persistence, Hanzo summoned more power from the demon—Hanekage— that resides in his sword and with just one hit of the umbrella, it was perfectly cut in half.

"Unforgivable!" Kagura yelled in rage as she tried to stand but failed to do so. Hanzo's attention turned to Hanabi and her skin was too pale and she was covered in sweat. He immediately carried her and ran into the woods as fast as possible.

"I..." Hanabi managed to whisper but loud enough for Hanzo to hear.

"Don't speak for now," he stated.

"I feel... too weak," she continued which annoyed Hanzo. It was obvious enough that he also knew that fact and she did not have to say it.

*"When your mark turns lighter in color, it means that the Scarlet's life is diminishing. If it disappeared, it means death of the Scarlet who marked you."*

Remembering the words of the old man he met before, Hanzo realized that he still had the sould portal fully open which explained Hanabi's complain.

He curses under his breath. If he undo it, Hayabusa's team would surely go after them. He was at a disadvantage since his client, also the damsel in distress as he calls her, was in no shape to fight or even run away on her own. But still, he closed it before Hanabi loses her life since it would be pointless to escape successfully if the client he is protecting would die.

Deeper into the woods, Hanzo decided to have a short rest inside a cave. Carrying Hanabi further would drain every ounce of strength he had and it would be impossible to fight if ever Hayabusa's team catch up to them.

While resting, Hanzo could not help but stare at the mark on the back of his hand. It was now a lighter shade of red, and for sure, it was because of the soul portal he opened. But then, he snapped out from his deep thoughts when he heard Hanabi snicker. When their gaze met, she suddenly burst into laughter as if her life was not in danger just a moment ago.

"You irritate the hell out of me, woman," he stated with gritted teeth. Hanabi wiped off her tears before speaking up.

"I know it isn't the time for this but your startled face was a rare sight," she said, annoying the assassin even more.

His deadly glares also amused her since she never expected that even the best assassins could also feel anxious. Especially on the case of Hanzo since he was proud of his skills as an assassin, at least that was what Hanabi thought.

"Your life is in danger and you still have the guts to laugh," he snarled, "unbelievable."

Hanabi looked at her hands and just as usual, she was shaking in fear.

"I thought that my death is just around the corner and it scared me that up until now, I am always wary of what is happen. I may die in my sleep or even an hour after this but somehow, I came to realize something," she said and for Hanzo, it was a dreadful topic to be discussed in that moment.

"Stop talking about death, I don't want to go to the other side of the world yet," he interfered.

The Scarlet narrowed her eyes at him and pouted, "Listen to what I have to say first."

A short silence came down upon them which Hanabi took advantage of to finish her statement.

"Getting too scared of death is making me miss out those I have to appreciate at the present. Maybe I should laugh as much as I could since I would not be able to do it if I am gone, right?"

She flashed a smile towards him which, in return, Hanzo responded, "But laughing without a logical reason is nothing but a crazy behavior."

Hanabi just face-palmed because he did not really get what she was trying to point out. He interpreted her words literally.

"Just when I thought I am hearing things, I actually found you two in such a dire situation."

Shuddering at that familiar voice, Hanabi and Hanzo were not face to face with a person of the same face as the assassin protecting the Scarlet.

"Who the fuck are you?" Hanzo blurted out, still unable to comprehend the fact that there was actually a man that seemed to be his replica.

(A/N: There you have it, two chapters for the day😂. I am actually having some problems regarding time management so I wasn't able to update this last week. Tbh, I started reading manga again like days ago so, yeah, my time is being sucked by reading mangas. But no worries, I'll update still.)

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