Haunting Past (Part 2)

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"So," Nana said, "you quit the job because of Harley?"

Lylia could not help but smirk at the sight of Harley being splashed with water.

"Exactly," she responded, "and it was a shame that you did not witness how I threw water right on his damn face."

Nana lifted her mug with both hands and blew her coffee. She took a small sip before turning her head towards Lylia.

"He would still look sexy," she commented which made Lylia snort in no time.

She felt goosebumps around her body, making her rub her hands on her arms. She shook her head and with a disgusted look plastered all over her face, she stated, "Err... Not in any way."

Nana stood up and turned her back on her. She headed to her own room but before closing the door behind her, she said, "But you cannot change the fact that you were head over heels for him."

Lylia hated it. She always hated bringing up the past, thus, she threw a pillow on Nana's direction to make her shut up yet her roommate managed to shut her door just in time to avoid her attack.

"That was in the past!" she yelled, rolling her eyes to the side. She, then, grabbed her phone and checked her appointments for the next day. "I have one job interview tomorrow, I hope it'll be a lucky day."

Or so she thought. The next day, she wore her formal suit; a white and long sleeve blouse paired with a light pink pencil skirt that fell just above her knees. Just as she arrived at the large building of the company, she took deep inhales and exhales to at least lessen her nervousness. After doing so, she flashed a smile and entered.

Though she had quit on her job even before she started, Lylia was feeling a bit sad about it yet she just could not stomach being looked down upon by Harley. She was once made a fool and that was enough, she wouldn't like it if it happens for the second time. When the elevator doors opened, she wanted to scream on top of her lungs.

Right inside the elevator, Harley was also there; he was wearing his formal suit that indeed suited him. She simply rolled her eyes and decided to take the next elevator but the people behind her had pushed her inside.

"Fancy meeting you here, ex-girlfriend," Harley said but Lylia chose not to speak. Getting worked up on his jokes would only push him more to tease her and it was the last thing she wanted.

"It seems you are about to have yet another job interview," he added, expecting a response from her but much to his disappointment, she ignored him like he was just the invisible air she breathed.

When they were the only two left inside the elevator, Harley grabbed Lylia by the arm and forced her to face him.

"Do you think you'll actually get away from what you did yesterday?" he snarled, only to receive a glare from her. She smirked at him before slapping his hand away from her.

She raised her eyebrow and held her hip, "Do you think you can threaten me? I am no longer the Lylia you know. Keep that in mind."

Reaching the floor of her destination, Lylia walked away but Harley ran after her and held her by the shoulder this time. Lylia gritted her teeth as she turned on her heels and her hand swiftly flying through the air. With a rather loud slap, she was satisfied to do that. She had always wanted to do that since she failed to do so when he fooled her. When their gazes met once more, her left hand landed another slap on his other cheek.

"Balance, they say," she spoke before turning her back on him. Slowly, a smile was formed on her lips, feeling contented.

While waiting for her turn for the job interview, Lylia could not help but get nervous. She needed to get a job since her savings were already going down the drain. She was betting everything she had on every job interview she does and it was just unlucky for her to meet Harley along the way. She suddenly flinched upon hearing her phone ring out of nowhere. It was her mother.

"Lylia, I apologize for asking too much but can you send some money? Your brother needed it for his surgery," her mother stated. She could not help but bite her lower lip. She heaved out a sigh before replying.

"Okay, mom. I'll be sending it later," she stated.

"Lylia Gravier," the person-in-charge announced so she stood and got inside the interview room.

"Shit," she blurted out upon seeing Harley with a smirk plastered on his face. He was one of the interviewers along with the silver-haired man, Harith.

"I thought Harley was just telling lies but you are actually here," Harith stated, "anyways, be seated for your interview."

She had to endure. She had to. Harith cleared his throat before looking at Lylia's resume.

"I only have one question. If you are honest with your answer, then you're accepted," Harith said.

Lylia got the feels that they were just playing around but she needed money. It was not only for herself but also for her brother. She had to endure.

"Up until this moment, I cannot believe Harley's answer so...," Harith shifted his gaze at his friend before looking back at Lylia, "When you were in a relationship with him before, did you do it? If so, how many times?"

Bringing up the past as a joke was one of the things Lylia cannot tolerate. Her feelings was played, she was fooled and became a laughing stock for everyone. And here they were, still making a joke out of it as if they had done her no wrong. But she needed the job and answering his question would assure her a job. With tears welling up in her eyes, she replied,

"No, we never did that," she replied. And that same time, her tears fell on her cheeks. She stood up and looked at Harith directly in the eyes.

"I answered you with honesty so please keep your word," she said before leaving the interview room with a hurry. She ran to the emergency exit and it was the time she broke down. They were already having their own lives yet why was it unfair for her? They were the ones who did wrong but why was she the one suffering? Why was the bad luck sticking to her when she had done nothing but be a good daughter and a good friend. She did not even plan to get revenge after becoming someone else's stupid toy.

Just then, she felt someone tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted her head and saw Harley handing her a hanky. She did not accept his offer, she simply wiped off her tears and just leave him alone but he stopped her.

"What do you want?!" she yelled in fury, "What else do you want?! Aren't you satisfied in playing around years ago?! I am trying to make a living here, Harley, because I have to! Because I was not born in a rich family unlike you! So please stop this childish acts! We are already adults so you should act one! Do you think it's funny to bring up what you did?!"

With her anger controlling her, she pushed him away when he tried to touch her.

"Making a fool out of me, was that something to be proud of?" she scoffed, "Ah, why am I even asking? Of course, you are proud of that. How could I forget? It was your hobby to make my life miserable. And look, I am more than miserable now and you should go home and have some champagne to celebrate."

When she walked down the stairs, she suddenly stopped on her tracks when Harley spoke.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Fuck that shit," she cursed at him, "Your insincerity is reeking so just fuck off."

Lylia went straight home and prepared for her real first day of work the next day. Working under Harith would be much more tolerable compared to Harley, besides they won't be seeing each other that much since she will be working at a different department.

"Have you truly forgiven Harley?" Nana asked while they were having dinner. She just heard the story of what happened to Lylia and from the looks of it, she felt like her friend still held grudges.

"I did but with the things he is doing now, I am hating him more and more," she replied, rolling her eyes to the sides. While eating, Nana's phone suddenly rang and Lylia saw that it was an unknown number. Still, Nana answered the call.

"Hey, Nana, can I ask for a favor? This is Harith, by the way."

The two girls stared at each other upon hearing his words.

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