Cupid with a Gun(Granger|Lesley)

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Have you ever heard of Cupid? That Roman god of erotic love and was known for making people fall in love with his bow and arrow. Thinking of him reminded me of someone similar as him. He wandered around Land of Dawn where warriors and people go for adventure. And just like him, he was the bridge of love.

But instead of a bow and arrow, he uses a gun. Yep, you read it right, for he was the Land of Dawn's Cupid with a gun.

"You want Gusion Paxley to fall in love with you?" Granger asked, his eyebrow raised at me. Though it was against my principles, I had come to ask for his help. And he was giving me the are-you-an-idiot look when I told him whom I was attracted to.

Rolling my eyes to the side, I replied, "Yes, you heard me."

I took off my backpack and slammed it on the wooden table in front of the so-called Cupid of Land of Dawn.

"Is this enough?" I asked. He grabbed my bag and opened it. Glittering golds greeted him but I could not see his reaction very well because half of his face was covered by his coat.

It was actually my first time to personally see this Granger and no matter where I stare at, his looks and the vibe he gave off was not Cupid-like at all.

It felt like a scam so I grabbed my bag and narrowed my sight on him. I doubt him, really.

"You're a thief, aren't you?" I asked, "For that reason, you cover half of your face."

"You're one hell of a headache. Of all the people I met, you're the only one who told me that," he said. He suddenly stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. Was he getting ready to escape after getting the golds I earned for years?

"Miss Vance, you're very much welcome to leave," he added after opening the door.

I looked away from him and hugged my backpack. I guess I needed to take the risk, if this works, then Gusion and I would become a couple. Just thinking of it makes me blush like hell!

Anyway, I had to make a clear deal with this guy.

"Take the gold and let me have a happy ending with Gusion," I said with a smile. I was quite sure he would accept the gold so I would have to rely on him.

Sitting back on his comfy chair, Granger took a handful of the small pieces of gold and stared at it. I knew it! He cannot resist my offer!

"You could buy a mansion with these gold," he stated and looked at me, "and it would be better if you do buy such."

With a creased forehead, I leaned forward and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "Sorry, miss, I cannot accept your request."

He returned the golds before standing and walked towards the staircase while giving me his response, "Gusion is engaged with Guinevere, that's that. You know that as well, right?"

"So what?! Hey! Come back here! We ain't done talking yet!"

Before shutting the door of his, probably, room, he said, "You better visit Esmeralda. She's just on the first floor."

Cursing at him, I grabbed my backpack and stormed out. He was, in no way, a cupid! He was nothing but a scammer! Cupid with a gun my ass! As I walked away from the house, I suddenly halted and turned on my heels before running towards the door of the first floor. If he cannot help me, maybe Esmeralda could lend me hand.

I knocked three times and I was more than happy to see Esmeralda. She greeted me with a smile and let me inside. I thought her place was dark and candles would be lighting only a few corners but I was wrong. Her place was just like our old house before I got to live with the Vance clan. There was a medium-sized wooden table at the little living room and two sofas were across each other. There were another two doors, probably one for her bedroom and the other was the kitchen. Who knows? I was not sure because this was the place of a mage.

"Do be seated," she said so I sat across her.

I cleared my throat and stated, "I came here to ask for a request."

"I don't do matchmaking, Granger does the job," she immediately replied as if she had already known the reason of my visit.

"But he told me to come see you."

Without saying another word, she drew a crescent moon on top of the table with just her fingertip. And from there, the images of stars appeared before us and it was of a spherical shape. It was as if I was looking at the whole universe but only its tiny version.

"What did you ask for?" she asked. She was probably referring to my request that stupid Granger had rejected.

I flashed a smile at her and replied, "I asked him to help me with Gusion."

She leaned forward and made the sphere of stars turn. Staring at it, I saw slurred pictures but even though it was not that clear, I could still make out who they were.

"Woven fate cannot be changed, Lesley. If you intervene, fate itself shall turn against you," she said, giving me confusion. So I stared at her without saying a thing, she might explain further.

"Granger rejected your request because he knew that the fate of both Gusion and Guinevere are already interwoven," she explained, her eyes fixed on mine, "and if you force him to make you the partner of Gusion, this will happen in the future."

She motioned at the spherical stars and on the slurred images were me and Gusion. Though I cannot hear the words being spoken, it was obvious that there was a fight going on. After that fight, I could see myself crying on a corner and watched Gusion leave with Guinevere.

Now, hey! That was so harsh!

"Surely, there will be happy memories," I said.

Nodding at my direction and making the sphere vanish, Esmeralda responded, "Yes, there will be happy memories but the ending won't be changed. Gusion will always end up with Guinevere."

Satisfied with her answer, I stood and flashed a smile at her, "Thank you for being honest. I made my decision."

I got out from her place and let out a heavy sigh. Those what I came to know this day, it even drove me to persevere. They won't be able to stop me. I love Gusion, that was all that matters. I will show to him and everyone that these feelings of mine could change that so-called fate. And if not, if it will end up in a sad ending just what I saw a while back, then I will have no regrets. What matters is that I did what I needed to do.

I tightened my grip on my backpack and went upstairs again. I opened the door and saw Granger sitting behind his desk.

He stared at me with his eyes as dark as his hair. He was probably thinking that I was more than insane but what can I do? I love Gusion this much.

"Did you really consult Esmeralda about this matter?" he asked, disbelief plastered all over his face. And of course, a smile was drawn on my face as I nodded in reply.

"Gusion will leave me in the end period," I briefly replied to end his doubt on me. He ran his fingers through his hair, probably frustrated with my perseverance.

"Look here, Miss Vance, your decision will make things way more complicated than you think and it will break you more than you expect," he lectured. But then again, I simply brushed it off and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"I know," I said with my arms crossed, "so yeah, shoot his heart and make him mine. Then, the golds are yours to take."

Have you ever heard of Cupid? That Roman god of erotic love and was known for making people fall in love with his bow and arrow. And right in front of me was a dark haired man with a gun. He shall be the one to open the door for me towards Gusion's heart. Why? Because he was the Cupid of our land, the Cupid with a gun.

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