Haunting Past (Ending)

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"Favor?" Nana asked, her eyebrow raised and her gaze fixed on Lylia who was staring back at her.

"Yes," Harith replied, "if it is okay for you."

Lylia fervently shook her head in disagreement. She had the feeling that there was something bad bound to happen of they get involved.

"Yeah, sure," Nana replied which earned her a glare from her friend. She shook her off anyway since Harith seldom asks favor from her.

"Great! So, yeah, thanks a lot. And can you bring Lylia with our planned dinner tomorrow night?" he asked, making her raise her eyebrow even more.

"Sure but can I ask why?" she asked.

"Well, you see," Harith paused for a while as if hesitant to say it, "Harley keeps on insisting."

Lylia rolled her eyes upon hearing the name of the guy she despised the most. He had already ruined enough of her and she won't let him do anything again.

"On one condition, though," Nana stated.

"What are you planning?" Lylia mouthed at her to keep her presence unknown from Harith. Nana hushed her for a while, waiting for Harith's response.

"Yeah, sure, no problem about that," he replied which drew a smile on her face.

"If your friend, Harley, does something unfavorable on Lylia's part, then we're done," she stated, making her friend wide-eyed upon hearing her condition.

"Okay, I got it," Harith said with a rather low tone of voice, "just don't break up with me."

Nana hanged up and Lylia could not help but ask, "Whoah, Nana, when did you have a relationship with Harith?! Why didn't you tell me before?!"

Nana took a bite of her steak before replying, "It's been a month. I was planning to tell you but you suddenly brought up Harley so I thought it wasn't the time to speak about it. I'm sorry."

Lylia giggled as she shook her head, "Don't be sorry. Your relationship should not be involved in my dispute with Harley. So, who confessed first?"

Nana smiled, remembering how they started dating.

"It was me," she replied.

Lylia almost spit her food but she covered her mouth just in time to digest what she just heard.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Her smile was wide since she had not expected Nana to be that straightforward when it comes to her feelings. The pink-haired girl shook her head with a smile plastered on her face.

After their dinner, the two went on their separate rooms. Lylia flopped on her bed and stared at the ceiling, still thinking how Nana finally got a boyfriend. She was genuinely happy for her.

She had always wanted to have a lover but that was before Harley played her feelings. After that incident, her heart became scared to commit again. Whenever a guy ask her out, she could not help but doubt them. Are they playing games with her? Did they bet on her? Are they serious? Or are they just goofing around? These thoughts would swirl inside her mind that
she could not do anything but reject them. One broken heart is enough, right? She would not want to go through another hellish pain, she might not be able to handle it.

The next day, Lylia went to work under Harith's company. She was more than grateful not to see Harley there. And of course, she was more than glad to have friendly co-workers. When her first day of work is about to come to an end, she received a call from Nana.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I hope you'd attend the dinner tonight. Please?" she begged and she could imagine her making puppy eyes.

Heaving a sigh, she replied, "Yes, yes. Send me the location and time and I'll head there after work."

After hanging up, Lylia finished her task within the day before fixing her table. And upon checking her message, she received the location and time of their dinner.

"30 minutes away from here, huh," she mumbled before grabbing her bag and headed out after saying goodbye with her co-workers.

She got on a cab and texted Nana that she was already on her way since the venue was a bit far and it would be embarrassing to be late.

"But why do I feel uneasy about this?" she mumbled to herself as her eyes were fixed on the shops they were passing by.

Upon arriving, she was a bit taken aback for the restaurant was too grandeur and it made her feel out of place. High class restaurant was not something on her bucket list since she had to act well and proper which makes her much uncomfortable in eating.

Nevertheless, she entered and looked around, hoping to see Nana.

"A reservation made by Harith Styles, miss," she said at the counter. The person in charge flashed a smile before leading the way to the second floor which was empty.

"Mr. Harith had reserved this entire floor," the woman said before taking her leave.

"Talk about people wasting money," she mumbled before grabbing her phone and called Nana. She tapped the table with her hand, becoming impatient. Nana wasn't answering the call. She was about to dial her number again but she shifted her gaze at the stairs where she heard some footsteps.

"Tell me this is a joke," she said as her gaze met with Harley. Just then, she received a text from Nana that they were stuck in traffic and she even sent a picture as proof. She probably know that she'd get mad at her.

She rolled her eyes to the side and stood to leave the place but Harley held her arm, stopping her on her tracks.

"Can I have a minute?" he asked.

"Time's ticking," Lylia said, irritation evident on her voice.

"I am sorry for hurting you before," he said, "I have no excuses so you have the right to get mad at me. I know I had been harsh on you ever since our meeting again–"

Cutting him off, Lylia hissed, "Get to the point already."

Harley was quiet for a moment, his hand still holding onto Lylia's arm. His head was hanged low looking very much apologetic which wasn't really affecting Lylia in any way.

"I know it's shameless of me to ask but will you give me a second chance?" he asked, lifting his gaze back on her, "This time, no more bets, no more foul plays."

Lylia took a few steps back. Even though she had known him as a liar after what he did, she somehow believed his words that moment. He looked at her directly in the eyes as he spoke those words.

Thus, with a smile, she responded, "I forgive you."

Hearing her say that lifted Harley's spirit. He held both of her hands and said, "Thank you, Lylia. I promise I'd make it up to you."

But then, she took her hands away from his touch and said, "I only forgive you of what you had done, Harley. I also wanted to free myself from hating and holding a grudge on you. But giving you a second chance is not something that I can do. You already missed the chance and I can no longer give you another."

She flashed a smile before turning her back on him and left the restaurant. And Harley watched her walk away from his life with a broken heart. She ended their conversation quickly just how fast he broke her heart before.

Karma, indeed, hit him harder than he had expected.

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