Wedding Dress

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I was wearing a white lacy dress that fell down until my ankles. I walked on that red isle yet you were not at the end to reach for my hand. You were not at the end to put that golden ring on my finger for I was not the one whom you chose to live your life with.

As I stand among with the other guests, we turned to the entrance of the church and watched you walk towards the altar where Estes was waiting to wed you and your lover, the lover you had chosen over me.

Angela played the piano while Martis struck the acoustic guitar for the entrance of the groom. Your blond hair was slicked back and a wide, genuine smile was plastered on your face. It was a smile that you never wore when we were together. Your white tuxedo fit perfectly on you, making your broad shoulders show up.

As you walked down the red isle, I tried not to cry for I wanted you to be happy even though I was no longer the reason why. I bit my lower lip to stop the tears from falling.

When you reached the end of the isle, you turned to your heels and we all faced the entrance once again to see the lucky one who got to be with you.

I looked at the white wedding dress. It was the one I had chosen that I was supposed to use in our wedding. It flowed down on the red isle and as the music continued to be played, your bride walked with tears. But it was not of the same tears as mine, for mine was sad compared to your bride that was out of joy.

The flashes of the cameras were focused on the two of you as you both faced Estes with shining, bright smiles plastered on your faces. As we witnessed the two of you exchanging vows and rings, I knew I did not regret my decision in letting you go, Alucard. I was now happy to see you finally wedded to the one you truly love.

"More tissue, Miya," Layla said while handing me another box of tissue. She truly never failed to be prepared at times like this.

I was happy, really, to see you in a happy ending with Granger, it was such a beautiful wedding. I could not help but shed tears for the two of you.

"I hate this job," Harith stated while he was throwing flower petals around while riding on Fanny who was using her cables to go back and forth to spread the petals for the newly wed.

"Do you think I like mine?" Fanny mumbled.

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