Cupid with a Gun (Part 3)

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I woke up in a stranger's room. I knew it wasn't mine just by staring at the ceiling. Even though my head hurts like hell, I still have my brain intact and I clearly remember what happened the other day.

As I looked around, the plainness of the room somehow reminded me of Granger. When I turned my gaze on the side table, a picture frame was standing on top of it. It was him with another man, he was older with grayish hair, and the way he patted Granger's head was probably a sign of closeness. He seemed to be his father just by looking at their similarity.

"Aren't you ashamed even just for a bit?" Granger's voice startled the hell out of me. I gazed at him and he was giving me his glares.

"You shamelessly got drunk and even invaded my room. And now, you are touching someone else's property?" he said so I decided not to touch the picture.

Why did he have to rub it on my face? Can't he be a little empathetic towards a woman with a broken heart?

Still, he laid a tray on the side table and my mood lightened up when I saw a bowl of warm soup. I smirked at him and said, "I changed my mind. You have some hidden charms."

But instead of being flattered, Granger glared at me and told me to finish the soup so I could leave his place as soon as possible.  But being a hardheaded woman as I am, I took my time eating. Upon finishing the bowl of soup, I heard some voices outside the room so I slowly opened the door and peeked downstairs.

"You jerk, because of you, Ruby has been tailing me like a stalker! Do you know how harder it is to pursue Miya with her around?!" Alucard yelled while holding Granger's collar. I thought he'd fight back but he was just, as usual, quiet and collected as he promised him that he'll fix everything as fast as possible.

Since I was such an angel, I showed myself and said, "It is not entirely his fault. My beauty somehow disturbed him during work. I do apologize for being too good-looking."

"I never knew you had a lover, Cupid," Alucard commented which only made me smile at him, especially that I could see the annoyed look of Granger.

When Alucard left, it was my turn to speak with the Cupid but the moment I sat across him, he threw my backpack to me and pointed at the door.

"Your business with me is done, now leave," he demanded.

I stared at him directly in the eyes, pleading without speaking a word that he would listen to my story since I didn't vent put everything last night. However, my wordless plea was totally ignored and instead of letting me leave on my own, he really dragged me out and shut the door close eight in front of me.

I stood before putting my bag on my back and held my rifle. I looked at the east where Magical City was located. It was the place where I found both happiness and sadness but sadness for the most part. If I go back now, I'd surely witness the happy ending of Gusion and Guinevere. I know I should be happy for them but still, my heart ached for my love wasn't reciprocated no matter what I did.

I let out a heavy sigh before walking down the stairs with my shoulders slumped forward. I brought out my list of missions so I could make myself busy until the moment I move on from this heartbreak.

I groaned in annoyance when everything on my list had been checked already, meaning that I already finished them. I wonder if I could get more missions if I return home.


I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned on my heels when I heard Granger.

"I'm leaving, okay? Don't shout at me, you stingy Cupid!" I yelled back and even stuck out my tongue. I turned my back on him and walked away at a faster pace.

"I'd like to hire you!"

His words made my eyes widen and my feet were immediately rooted on the ground. Hire me? For what though? I slowly turned on my heels and met his gaze. He was serious as hell and somehow, his snobbish vibe vanished. I don't know what kind of help I might be able to give him but Cupid hiring me was something I didn't expect. And for sure, my eyes sparkled in delight.

Running back to the entrance of his workplace, I held both of his shoulders and asked, "Of course! What can I do for you?!"

But before I knew it, the snobbish vibe that I thought had disappeared came back in no time. His eyes told me to not touch him so I retreated and clasped my hands behind me. Still, my excitement didn't die down.

"As compensation for ruining the relationship of Alucard and Miya, you will be shooting Ruby with this anti-love glitter. Don't worry, she won't feel any pain or anything," Granger instructed as he handed me a glittering gold bullet.

He entered his workplace and told me that I only have one chance of shooting the bullet to Ruby or else, Alucard's love life will forever be in chaos. I had not crossed my mind that such a thing as anti-love truly exists in this world. But then again, it came from Cupid himself so I guess this kind of thing wasn't impossible to possess.

I followed him back to his office and dropped my purse of gold coins on his table.

"I'll buy this bullet, do you have another one? I'll shoot them both to Guinevere and Gusion," I proposed but I only received a glare from him that stated a big, big no.

I smiled at him and said, "It's simply a joke. But how long will you hire me?"

As he seated on his swivel chair, he replied, "It depends upon you. Work as my assistant for as long as you want. You can quit anytime you like."

I was a bit shocked at his response. I stared at him but his stoic face did not change, however, from his reply alone, I feel like he was being considerate of me. It was as if he was doing a favor for my sake. Was it because he knew how I truly felt hurt by the situation? I wanted to ask him that but there's a higher chance that he won't answer me honestly.

It would be okay if I believe that, one way or another, he was concerned about me, right? I wanted to believe in that.

Feeling ecstatic, I jumped for joy and pounced on him. Though a simple hug wasn't a sufficient payback for his consideration, at least I could show how grateful I am.

"I will become the best assistant so please look forward to it!" I claimed after he successfully pushed me away.

I guess this is my first step in moving on. And who would have thought that the land's Cupid would be the one helping me?

"A broken heart cannot be mended by time alone, love is also a must ingredient in the recipe of fixing one's heart."
-Granger, Cupid with a Gun

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