MLBB Academy: Zodiac Masters (A)

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Harley felt relieved to finally meet the new students that just transferred into their academy. As he watched the two Leonins wandering around the gates of their campus, he can't help but shake his head.

"Yo, Harith and Nana," he called them out. Nana's face beamed with contentment for she thought that they are lost during their very first day of school.

"I am Harley, I will be your guide until you're familiar with the school. Let's get going as I show you around," he said so they followed his steps into the campus grounds.

Nana and Harith were in awe of the academy are more amazing than they had thought at first. The open space is as wide as a standard soccer field.

"Harley, I have heard about the Zodiac Masters but I did not get much detailed information about them, mind filling it up?" Harith asked which Harley casually replied to.

"Let me start with the easy-to-deal-with Zodiac Masters," he said. As he looked around the school grounds, he spotted one of  the Zodiac Masters. Her light purple hair glows beautifully under the sun's beams. Her smiles could lighten up one's day.

"That one with the magic staff surrounded by the mages is none other than Princess Odette, the Virgo. She is the master that a student can approach even in a very stressful situation."

"Uwahhh, her beauty is truly incomparable," Nana squealed but she got dragged by Harley so they could move forward.

"Then, next is Libra which is Lunox," Harley continued, "She's also like Princess Odette who's friendly with their students. But she makes sure that no student can cross the boundary that separates a master from their students."

As they pass by in the hallway, Harith saw a poster plastered on the Zodiac Bulletin Port.

"Who's this one? She looks familiar," he asked.

"That's Queen Aurora, the Aquarius. She's the Zodiac Master in charge of our class. Though she looked nice, do not be deceived for she's the perfect example of a devil with an angel's face. You'll get what I mean if you meet her personally."

When they reached the gazebo where they could have a rest and have a nice view of the school garden, they spotted three Zodiac Masters having their lunch break.

"Who are they?" Nana whispered, afraid that she might be heard and would have a bad impression.

"The one with the hood is Helcurt "the Scorpio", do not anger him or you'll see yourself stuck in the dark. The one with him showing his masculine body is Badang "the Leo". Challenging him on combat would also mean inviting death. And that guy with a long hair is no one but Lancelot "the Pisces". He's an assassin who wields a lance and the partner of Princess Odette."

"Wahh, they all sound so amazing," Harith praised.

"Well, not until you see their other side," Harley remarked. "Especially when it comes to the President and vice-president of the academy. They're the most fearsome and sly Zodiac masters."

A/N: For continuously supporting my stories, I will be dedicating the next chapters to you, readers, so kindly comment or vote so I could notice you. One reader per chapter so expect your names to appear at any update. <3  

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