129. Satisfaction [Tyki]

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Theme: Satisfaction

Person: Tyki Mikk

"I want to..." [Name] pondered, looking up as she thought. Tyki smirked and slithered over where she was, a hand crawling around her waist. He nudged his head against hers.

[Name] took his arm off and walked in front, looking at the various shops that sold different and interesting items. Tyki sweat-dropped; Well that didn't work...

He caught up with [Name] and tried to hold her hand, but failed to do so, since it was holding a bag. But, when she switched arms, he took the opportunity to grab her hand and hold it, whilst trying to make it look casual.

[Name] eyed him suspiciously. "Are you trying to force yourself upon me?" She asked in confusion.

Tyki face palmed. He shook his head slowly. "No. I was just—"

"'—trying to make you look like you're mine'. Thanks, Tyki. I already know that, so no need to say or do anything." [Name] shrugged and kept walking.

Tyki face palmed.

How did he manage to even get together with such an oblivious girl...?

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