31. Grumpy [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Grumpy

Person: Kanda Yu

"Get lost." Kanda scowled, walking off into a random direction, to get away from [Name].

The smaller female crossed her arms and followed him, saying nothing. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, making her seem a little angry. Really, she was just amused. It was quite funny seeing Kanda get angry. No wonder Lavi and Allen loved to annoy him so much.

After a few seconds of following the stoic male, he turned around, glowering down at the younger girl. "I said: Get. Lost." He snapped, pushing past her and going the way he came.

[Name] sweat-dropped, watching after him with a defeated expression. "I only wanted to tell you that Komui has another mission for you."

"Che." And off he went.

"Grumpy much?" [Name] sighed. "Just not good enough."

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