47. Grouchy [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Grouchy

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] poked a taller, stronger, man with her finger. She poked him again, waiting for something to happen. And again. 5 times she poked him, until Kanda stopped reading whatever he was reading, snapping at the [Hair Colour] female.

"Freaking hell, get lost!" He snapped.

[Name] pouted. "You're such a big ass. You know, why're you so grouchy? Is there something bothering you? Huh? What's so wrong with being happy and all? I've never seen you happy!" [Name]crossed her arms.

Kanda slammed the book he read shut with his one hand, making a loud 'thump' echo throughout the library. "Look, why don't you stop annoying me and get on with your little life?"

"Ugh! Answer my questions, BaKanda!" [Name] poked his cheek, harder, this time. Kanda slapped her hand away, but was too slow, as she had already retracted her hand so that he couldn't reach it.

"Che. You. You're always so annoying." Kanda opened his book back, before eyeing the female, who was now fuming with anger.

"What did you say...?" She growled, glaring at the male.

"I an-" Kanda was cut off by the Head Nurse, who grabbed both the male and female's ears, dragging them out of the library.

"You two, be quiet and get out of the library!" The Head Nurse snapped, throwing them out before she slammed the door on them.

"...Tch." Kanda glared at [Name]. "Because you were too loud, I was kicked out."

[Name] crossed her arms and sat on the floor, glaring at the doors. "Psh. It was you."

"And you call me a big ass..." Kanda stood up and brushed himself off before leaving the fuming [Name], who glared after him.

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