81. Defeatism [Lavi]

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Theme: Defeatism

Person: Lavi

Lavi blocked with his wooden sword, blocking from [Name]'s assaults. They were in a sparring match, a match that they decided to start because they wanted to know who would look better with a sword. They had clashed for over 10 minutes right now, with the usual spectators watching.

"You...won't win!" [Name] shouted, aiming a kick to the red head's way. He jumped out just in time and hit away her wooden sword with his own after finding it about to puncture his face.

"That wasn't...fair!" Lavi huffed, lunging at the female. She grabbed his wooden sword with her hand and yanked it with speed out of Lavi's hand, throwing it to the opposite side of the room, before tripping him as he stared at the flying sword with a dumbfounded look on his face, wondering why it was in the air instead of in his hands.

He hit the ground with a loud thump. "Oof!" His breath was knocked out. [Name] sat on the side of Lavi, a leg over his body to the other side so he couldn't escape, and the wooden sword at his throat. She was grinning; and panting at the same time because of the lack of oxygen after moving around so much.

"You...lose!" She victoriously said.

"No I don't!" Lavi squirmed around, then kicked his legs up so that he could summersault in the air and land back on his feet. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. [Name] had gotten her other leg and put it over one leg then under the other. It was an awkward position they were in, but Lavi's escape was unavoidable.

"You see...you lose." [Name] smiled. She got off him without trouble and helped him up. "That's why I always look best with a sword by my side." She spoke, resting the half destroyed wooden sword against her shoulder.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't think so. Your hair is all fluffed up, and you have panda eyes. I think I look better." Lavi said, walking off to the onlookers.

"Do you want another fight?!"

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