5. Amusement [Bak Chan]

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Theme: Amusement

Person: Bak Chan

[Name] watched as Bak hurriedly shuffled around with his clipboard of papers. The new member of the Asian Branch had no idea what he was doing. She followed the blonde branch head as he turned the corner.

But as [Name] turned around the corner in an attempt to follow, she hit right into said person, making them both hit the ground.

"Ow..." [Name] groaned in immense pain as she rubbed the spots of impact. She noticed that Bak held onto his chin, a pained look on his face.

"Bak-san?" [Name] questioned, on her knees as she leaned towards him.

"Why did you have to hit so hard, [Name]?" He asked in a wounded voice. [Name] froze in her place, then started to apologize deeply at the branch head.

Seconds later after she apologized, [Name] noticed that there were many things that fell from his clipboard. She picked one up and stared, finding it was a picture of Lenalee Lee from the European Branch. Suddenly, the picture wasn't in her hands anymore, but was clamped back on the clipboard along with all the other things that fell from it.

"Why do you have Lenalee's picture?" [Name] asked.

Bak opened his mouth and closed it like a goldfish, then stammered, "These are not pictures I took while stalking her!"

That statement made [Name] bark out in light laughter. Hives started to break out on Bak's face, making him turn around so quick that people won't know what had happened.

"Eh? Bak-san?" [Name] asked, reaching out to him.

In less than a second, Bak was down the hallway, sprinting away from [Name]. She just sat there, on the cold hard ground, an astonished look on her face. An evil smile crept its way on her lips.

"Bak Chan-chan...you'll never hear the end of it!"

-Extended Ending-

"Bak-san!" [Name] shouted cheerfully, bouncing to the blonde branch head. Bak, in response, bolted down the hall and ignored the scientists that he was talking to, in an attempt to get [Name] away from him. He was sure that she's say something about his pictures.

"BAK!" [Name] screamed as she sprinted after him.

"Are they always like this?" Roufa asked to her 2 scientist companions.

Shifu nodded, crossing his arms. "Makes you think they're siblings."

"Maybe [Name] knows a secret that we don't know~!" Rikei said cheerfully. Everyone fell silent, then dashed after [Name] and Bak.



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