10. Jealousy [Allen Walker]

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Theme: Jealousy

Person: Allen Walker

[Name] had always had a crush on Allen. Her heart beats twice as fast when she's around him, her face going a bright red. She loved how he talked, how he moved and everything about him. But what she wasn't sure about was whether he liked her or not.

Sure, they were friends, but that was it. She had no idea, thus she wanted to test if it were true or not. She decided to use Lavi for this and get him into it, so that he would play along and not go all weird on her if he found out after.

"Ne, Lavi?" [Name] approached Lavi, her hands behind her back and a smile on her lips.

Lavi turned around, then grinned when he saw the [Eye Colour] female. "[Name]! What's up?"

[Name] stared at the ground for a second, before she met Lavi's eyes. "Well...I have a favour to ask..."

Lavi blinked before he nodded. "Yeah...?"

[Name] debated whether or not to tell him just there, as there were lots of people around, or just whisper it into his ear to let it remain private. In the end she chose to whisper it into his ear.

Lavi's grin went mischievous when she told him.

"I'll go along with it. This'll be fun~!"

Later that day, they found Allen walking down the halls of the individual rooms. They started their plan. Lavi put his arm around [Name] as they walked out in front of Allen from a corridor to the west, pretending to whisper stuff into her ear. In turn, [Name] giggled, trying to sound convincing.

Allen, walking behind them, stared as he saw that it was Lavi and [Name]. His jaw clenched tight as his lips formed a slight frown. He thought to himself, 'Why are they together?' He kept asking himself that question, only to ask another question. 'AND WHY IS LAVI'S ARM AROUND [NAME]?'

He practically fumed at that point, puffing up his cheeks as he walked behind them. What annoyed him most was why Lavi was even there, why his arm was around her shoulders, why he was whispering stuff into her ear...why he was even walking with her!

It was when Lavi had leaned in for a kiss that Allen snapped and moved forward quickly, grabbing [Name]'s hand and dragging her away from the redhead.

Lavi's eyes widened a bit as he felt [Name] out of his arms reach. He looked forward and found her being dragged away by none other than Allen Walker, who had a frightening scary look on his face as he did so.

[Name], on the other hand, was surprised and shocked at the same time, before she smiled and gave Lavi the thumbs up. Lavi grinned and waved to her before he watched them turn the corner. He put his arms around his head and walked the opposite way, whistling.

"Mission success~!"

-Extended Ending-

"Ne, Allen, why are you dragging me away from Lavi?" [Name] asked. She decided to play with his emotions for a bit.

Allen stopped, a pout on his lips. "...because he was..." He trailed off, staring at the ground.

[Name] tilted her head cutely, wondering what he wanted to say. "I'm sorry, but what did you want to say?"

"...I don't like you being so close with him..." Allen murmured, staring at the ground with a red face.

Upon hearing that, [Name]'s lips curled into a delighted smile and her eyes glistened with happiness before she jumped onto Allen, hugging him tightly.

"You're so cute~!"

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